Do you need soft limits ON?
moving to a park position requires the machine to know where it is in machine coordinates. Without limit switches, the machine never knows, so you can’t tell it move to a specific park position because it doesn’t where that position is either. In the CNC world, limit switches zero the G53 machine coordinate system. When you hit the 'Zero All Axis" in FireControl, you’re setting a work offset in G54. LS shields the user from knowing anything about work offsets. All FireControl users just say “this is my zero” and hit cut and it works.
I didn’t use machine co-ordinates, I used absolutes from the Work origin. (This does require knowing / figuring out where to park.) Not as effective as telling the machine “Go Home”, but should provide the ability to jog away from the cut to reduce post flow splashing.
It would be nice if FireControl gave a feature that you clicked on the visualizer screen to mark the “Park” spot before starting the cut: similar to “Zero All Axes.”
…but that is a different discussion.
That would work if you mark the park spot every time you run FC. These are the kind of features you get on a more expensive machine (limit switches, homing, park position, work offsets, etc).
Understand, I asked LS to delete the “Job Done” dialog. Every time I’m finished with a cut, I just want to hit an arrow key to move during post flow.
I am pretty sure if you hit any key including a arrow key it will clear that. You should be able to double tap and move. Not the best but.
I’ll try that, normally dialog boxes require enter. Thanks.
this does work, thanks Phillip
The Crossfire pro has (an option for) limit switches. I bought it last year
I know, I bought them the instant they were available.
so maybe I did not understand correctly but with the limit switch option, G52 vs G54 vs G92 equivalent. It seems to me that with limit switches (within the accuracy range those can achieve) @ChelanJim’s request should be reasonable
If I understand G92, it should be simple enough to set G92 to X0/Y0 at the end of the cut. Then move / park commands would be relative to the position the torch was at when G92 is called. (My use would be start / end your last cut at the farthest point from origin. Then move Y1 to move 1" away from the cut end.)
This shouldn’t require limit switches as it’s still based upon work offset / origin.
I’ll give it a try later and see how it works.
That’s a good idea. You can try all this by just typing in directly to the controller over the USB serial connection using putty. Otherwise you have to generate a legitimate tap file or NC file then load it into fire control and have it send it. The crossfire controller communicates it 115.2k.
I tweaked my post to add the G92
G0 X1.438 Y2.163
G92 Z0.
G38.2 Z-5. F100.
G38.4 Z0.5 F20.
G92 Z0.
G0 Z0. (IHS Springback + Backlash)
G92 Z0.
G0 Z0.15 (Pierce Height)
G4 P0.5
G0 Z0.063 (Cut Height)
G1 X1.391 Y2.1459 F32.
G3 X1.4115 Y2.0295 I0.0205 J-0.0564
G1 X1.705
G1 X2. F19.2
G2 X2.0295 Y2. I0. J-0.0295
G1 Y0.295 F32.
G1 Y0. F19.2
G2 X2. Y-0.0295 I-0.0295 J0.
G1 X0.295 F32.
G1 X0. F19.2
G2 X-0.0295 Y0. I0. J0.0295
G1 Y1.705 F32.
G1 Y2. F19.2
G2 X0. Y2.0295 I0.0295 J0.
G1 X1.4115 F32.
G0 Z1.
G92 X0. Y0.
G0 X1.
The G0 at the end references the Park settings entered in the Post screen.
This is something I never investigated actually. Are you saying the FireControl sends actual G-code over the USB to the Control? If that is true that opens many possibilities, including the possibility to move the table around without a PC connected…
Note that I consider G52 way more intuitive than G92 (and less side effects too, at least in big league machines).
I’ll try with G52. G92 did not work (with ncviewer.)
ncviewer support for these things is REALLY minimal, to the point where I consider it less than useless because of the time loss without receiving any useful feedback. In my humble opinion anything other than the actual control on the machine (not even a hardware simulator) can really fully clarify all these work/machine offsets settings behavior; and I am talking about very well known machining centers for the industry. In the case of the Crossfire, the need of hands-on characterization is even more important.
That makes me feel better. I’ll be able to get to the machine sometime tomorrow and see how it works. (ncviewer moved to X0 Y0 upon entry of the G92. )