Fusion 360 plasma post mods - added tool settings, small circle speed and plunge rate support

This makes sense.

I recently moved all my projects into a ‘teams’ storage container after I read that Autodesk is slated to deprecate personal storage (posting on their forum).

Not to worry, you’re not going to lose anything. From a development stand point, they’re concentrating on teams development, no longer working on personal storage. For example, in order for the new ‘configurations’ feature to work, your project has to be a teams project. I spoke with the Fusion 360 development manager for 20 minutes about this teams move because my account has some serious issues moving all my personal storage projects into teams (I’m on the legacy subscription plan). Hope this helps.

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I played with Fusion’s cloud tool library this morning and understand a little more. You enable cloud library in your preferences. Changes to a tool in a library does not propagate into your project CAM operations, which is understandable and what @TinWhisperer mentioned as well. If I continue to use Fusion’s CAM, I’ll create a cloud library for my Cut45 with different tips and materials, then periodically post my tool library to the forum for import into your library.

I’ve also opened a support ticket if there’s a way to force a library change into a project’s tools without reselecting the tool. Should get an answer back in a couple days.

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Finally was able to install the post. Quick question: Radius slowdown. Does this provide the same (effective) functionality as Feed Optimization? I assume that setting the % to 100% disables it. (Or un-select Feed Optimization.) I can see unexpected consequences having both enabled.

if a radius is below the “Radius Slowdown (in)”, then the feed rate to cut that radius is multiplied by (% value)/100. Remember that Fusion splits circles into 2 180 arcs, slow down also applies to rounded corners.

From Autodesk Fusion 360 support.

Once a tool is used in an operation, that tool is “copied” to the toolpath in the Documents tool library. This permanently divorces the cloud tool and the “document” tool. There is no way to automatically refresh toolpaths with the new version.

This behavior is on purpose. We don’t want future changes to tools automatically changing previously programmed parts that have already been simulated and checked for collisions. The danger level of creating a machine crash is too high. Each operation that uses the new version of the tool will need to have the tool reselected, as you’ve found out.

We might have discussed this before, but it’s more complicated than that. The following line in the postprocessor governs circles:

maximumCircularSweep = toRad(180);

So it might be that the firmware in the Crossfire control cannot handle arcs bigger than 180 or it could be just a default Mr. Langmuir did not bother to change.

Also, Fusion can do what it wants anyway, sometimes it might split a circle in three (I have a design where it does that deterministically)

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Simply changing toRad(360) doesn’t work.

I found this post,

I changed these lines

minimumChordLength = spatial(0.00001, MM);
minimumCircularSweep = toRad(0.00001);
maximumCircularSweep = toRad(360);

This changes seems to work by not splitting circles (if they are circles from sketch, holes are still split).

G4 P0.5
G0 Z0.03 (Cut Height)
G1 X11.498 Y9.8552 F127.
G3 I1.9245 J-1.5563 F127.
G0 Z1.

this works in https://ncviewer.com/

However, grbl throws error 26 on this line (G3 I1.9245 J-1.5563 F127.)

26 - A G-code command implicitly or explicitly requires XYZ axis words in the block, but none were detected.


Here’s my test file for post editing.
hole example for post editing.f3d (118.2 KB)

Can you post your test file for pierceOnly testing?

Well as I said it’s not simple. There might be some limitation in the Langmuir Crossfire controller that won’t work well with arcs bigger than 180; so we must deal with partial arcs in the PP.

On top of that, sometimes Autodesk Fusion 360’s CAM breaks a circle in multiple arcs with a slightly different center, like one thousand of a mm apart, and that rounds up to a different number and therefore the PP might get confused (especially in the “pierce-only” mode). Not a big deal if you are cutting the circle anyway but it would result in a double pierce if left undetected, hence the workaround I made last week:

Attached a design that results in odd behavior.
RinforziContatoreMainPanel v4.f3d (264.7 KB)

When I PP the flat pattern, for a total of 7 holes, I get the following onCircular callbacks (note that some holes get three calls):

(onCircular: cx=40.86249923706055 cy=105.7750015258789)
(onCircular: cx=40.86249923706055 cy=105.7750015258789)
(onCircular: cx=40.86249923706055 cy=35.92499923706055)
(onCircular: cx=40.86249923706055 cy=35.92499923706055)
(onCircular: cx=160.510498046875 cy=70.85050201416016)
(onCircular: cx=160.510498046875 cy=70.84950256347656)
(onCircular: cx=160.510498046875 cy=70.85050201416016)
(onCircular: cx=260.010498046875 cy=70.85050201416016)
(onCircular: cx=260.010498046875 cy=70.84950256347656)
(onCircular: cx=260.010498046875 cy=70.85050201416016)
(onCircular: cx=361.510498046875 cy=70.84950256347656)
(onCircular: cx=361.510498046875 cy=70.85050201416016)
(onCircular: cx=361.510498046875 cy=70.84950256347656)
(onCircular: cx=494.15948486328125 cy=105.77549743652344)
(onCircular: cx=494.15948486328125 cy=105.77449798583984)
(onCircular: cx=494.15948486328125 cy=105.77549743652344)
(onCircular: cx=494.15948486328125 cy=35.92449951171875)
(onCircular: cx=494.15948486328125 cy=35.925498962402344)
(onCircular: cx=494.15948486328125 cy=35.92449951171875)

I’m not seeing that. I downloaded your 1.7-pierce PP from github ran it with pierce only checked and got this.
1001.nc (2.4 KB)

Should I be seeing 3 pierces at 260.0,70.85ish? Sorry, I’m so dense this evening, long Monday.

Well my PP takes care of having just one pierce per hole. But watch the onCircular() trace I pasted earlier. 19 callbacks for 7 holes. And watch the cx and cy coordinates

Here’s an observation using dump.cps on your Rinforzi and my post edit design. Fusion seems to handle extruded sketch circles and holes differently.

Using dump.cps on your design, I see all those onCircular calls you mentioned. On my file, I see onCircular with different results, sweep=360. I added a 3/8 hole to my design (after looking at your holes) and sure enough, the dump from my design shows 3 onCircular calls for that new hole.

post editing v17.f3d (121.6 KB)

285: onCircular(0, 11.452184962475394, 14.334507739450048, 0.04000000127657192, 11.61468505859375, 14.334488515778789, 0.04000000127657192, 127.00000192236712)
direction: CCW
sweep: 76.105754deg
normal: X=0 Y=0 Z=1 (XY)
radius: 0.1625
286: onCircular(0, 11.452184962475394, 14.334468090628075, 0.04000000127657192, 11.289684866357037, 14.334488515778789, 0.04000000127657192, 127.00000192236712)
direction: CCW
sweep: 179.985597deg
normal: X=0 Y=0 Z=1 (XY)
radius: 0.1625
287: onCircular(0, 11.452184962475394, 14.334507739450048, 0.04000000127657192, 11.491187388502707, 14.176758293091781, 0.04000000127657192, 127.00000192236712)
direction: CCW
sweep: 103.88069deg
normal: X=0 Y=0 Z=1 (XY)
radius: 0.162499

295: onCircular(0, 13.422519954170767, 8.298897930956262, 0.04000000127657192, 11.42597709115096, 9.761581420898438, 0.04000000127657192, 127.00000192236712)
direction: CCW
sweep: 360deg
normal: X=0 Y=0 Z=1 (XY)
radius: 2.475

Interesting. I like “semantic” holes so that I can specify clearance for a given bolt etc, so I do not often use extruded holes (even if they can be more easily made parametric) so this is an interesting discovery. However, I believe the postprocessor should just work correctly without requiring the user to do special design considerations.

I’m sorry I’m lost, where can I find the dump.cps ?

Agree, it shouldn’t matter but apparently there’s a difference. Didn’t know about the auto-clearance for holes, I should start using it. My Fusion learning has been more sketch centric.

dump.cps is in the Fusion library, very handy to see all the callbacks.

Ohhhhhh that is useful! I had no idea there was such thing so I implemented a trace functionality on my debug postprocessor that does something very similar.

Regarding holes, I typically just place a point in the sketch and later use the hole function, that allows the following:

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yeah, dumper is super handy. I saw how you dimensioned sketch points for a later hole. I’ll start using that technique as well.


@holla2040 here is what I do if I want to change a setting, say feed rate, in a tool and have it appear in Cut Operation.

Right click on the cut operation and select Edit Tool. This will bring up the tool that is currently copied to the Documents associated with the file:

Once you hit accept you’ll see this dialog:

If you don’t see that dialog it’s because in the Cut Operation dialog your feed rates have been set to Custom. Once you change it back to default, it will pick up the new values stored in the tool.
(values are set to custom)
(once I set it back to Default preset, it picked up the value changes made in the tool)

The mechanism to “force” changes made in the tool has always been there. You just need to a) edit the tool associated with the file, and b) make sure you don’t have your feed rates set to “custom” in order to see the changes. The default presets set, in your case feed rate, will not override what you have set as custom, unless you tell it you want the defaults.

Hope that helps.

(Oh, and not that it matters, but I store all my tools in the cloud)


Any chance of adding this park feature?


Requires limit switches.

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