Fix for XR Drains

I’ll keep the list updated. Just overcommunicate status - when you send it to the next person. Would be nice for the recipients to indicate when they are done and the die is available. Hoping the honor system works.

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Tracking # has been sent to @Jthoma930. Thank you again @ScorchedEarthMW for lending these out. They worked great and compliment the bar sink drains from lowes nicely.

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I followed your example on the XR table drains. It was pretty handy to cut neat, perfectly round holes with the XR. I hope to get it plumbed in this weekend.

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There is a list. If you still want it. Linked on this thread.

I made my own die on the plasma table by cutting some circles and rings out of 3/16 steel, stacking them and welding them together. Worked out good.


I’m ready for the dies if they’re still available?

I decided to do the install without the Dimple Die. It’s definitely lower than the factory drains…I like the result. I want to thank you for the offer of the dies, there should be more people like you that are willing to take the time to go out of their way like you did! Again, Thanks!!


It’s awesome to see your creative solution to the XR drain issue. Sometimes, DIY ingenuity can make life a lot easier, especially for weekend warriors like you.

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Hey @Forevergem …can you clearly explain why you have foundation leaks on a forum for plasma cutters…

interested in what you have to say …

Really, new user unable to upload any attachments. :rofl:
My buddy just set up his pans on his XR and we used a 3D printed dimple Die set up for 1 7/8" bar drains.
Anyone looking to do the same email me and we’ll send you the 45mm hole saw and the dimple dies and the washers, bolt and nut you’ll need for your project, JUST PASS THE KIT ALONG WHEN YOUR DONE TO THE NEXT PERSON LOOKING TO DO THE SAME MODIFICATION.

Check out the Thingiverse link if you might be interested.