CutControl 21.1.1 and limit switch problems

They are 3-D printed and reuse the same holes as the switch.

Thank you. I ordered 4 of them this morning.
And yes, the cad drawing would be great. I don’t have a 3d printer but I will make them out of aluminum.

That is odd, I have been using the supplied mini PC and touchscreen since January with no issues before or after the update. Does it give you problems outside of the CutControl window?

I only use them for the Y gantry. I could not get my switches to sync well enough to keep my gantry square. This seem to fix the problem. I’ll send over the CAD. I’d love to see your finished aluminum versions.


It says that they are liquid resistant. My problem with the original switches are that the coolant drying up and making them stick 2 out of 10 times was driving me nuts. Me spraying coolant from my spray nozzle is an issue I hadn’t anticipated. I do keep from wetting them down as much as possible.
I will say that the change over from the supplied Langmuir coolant to the Fusion 2240 has stopped the dried maple syrup from forming on everything.

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Please share the file here. Planning to 3D print in carbon fiber nylon. This material would work like aluminum with no deflection. I think I will get 2 of them for the Y axis as well.

Thanks a lot


I think these are the same (or similar) for a bit cheaper price.

I was going to give these a go for homing. Has anyone used them before?

Magnetic switches are not in the same league of these. You will not get 5 microns repeatability. The current one used in the Mr1 are more consistent than the magnetic one.

Limit Trigger 10mm with insert v1.f3d (65.6 KB)
Limit Trigger 10mm v1.f3d (52.7 KB)
Limit switch holder v2.f3d (158.8 KB)


What do you consider out of square? It takes 0.012" of deviation between the switches to induce an error of 0.001" over 3". It doesn’t need to be within tenths of a thou to be extremely accurate, and I found 0.0004" repeatability in the langmuir switches in actual use.

My two switches were almost point one difference. Then it would change with temp.

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Hey Tony. Thanks for the files!

Ha. Speech to text sucks. That was

.1 difference.

Tony, thank you for sharing your experience, your solution and related files. :+1::sunglasses::+1: Joel…

The switches were a little expensive, but totally worth it. I hit the home button, watch the lights and thay are always synced.

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not that I can think of.

Are things still working smoothly after a couple of months? I almost pulled the trigger on proximity sensors in Feb but held off as I was (am still am) thinking about a linuxcnc conversion. I continue to have reliability issues with the the Y and X switches.

Mine still work great.

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