Could you please post your Mach3 .xml file, would help a lot.
Thanks for all the info.
You would need the exact setup I’m running for the file to work. Currently I’m doing some testing with my profile and wouldn’t want to send out a bad one.
Do you need help with setup?
Looks like you have it worked out in the other post!
Hi yes need need help with setup, as to the float switch and probe.
What Is the probe pin # and switch pin #?
Hi, I have this THC that I bought. What is the difference between the sd and updown control?
This is the PDF manual for the updown THC.
That is the one that I bought as well. The difference is that model connects to the inputs on the break out board, those inputs are then processed by Mach 3 to control the z axis through the software (which in my opinion is better). The SD model interfaces directly between the motor drive controller and the break out board Z +/- pins. The software doesn’t know that the z axis is moving. I myself would rather let the software do the adjustments, and there are some other options available as well when the software is involved, like z max and min adjustment levels, % feed for the thc movement, and an “anti dive” allowance for crossing paths. I’ll see if I can find the video showing those features. I don’t believe you get those with the SD model, but I could be completely wrong… Just my opinion based on the tons of research I have done trying to figure this out…
***EDIT: That particular model THC has both the up/down and step/dir modes built in, it just matters how you wire it.
Found the video…
Hello! Do you know how many watts have the original power supply? I know that you change it with a 500w, but i want to be able to plug 4 stepmotors, so i want to double the original power…
I’m using the same power supply, the original wiring had 2 motors hooked up to 1 of the three power supply outputs, so I’m GUESSING 4 motors shouldn’t be a problem. I’m no expert though
Where did you purchase that unit? Cost? Thanks!
EBay for 140.00. Not setup yet may go for Proma SD.
I just got mine all set up. It works great, well in test mode… will have to see how it works once connected to the machine!
Thanks for info! Great project keep it up.
will this unit adjust pierce height through the software?
Your pierce height is set in your G-code, which will come after the machine probes, backs off the the switching distance, sets z zero, then the code will tell it to go to a pierce height, pause, move down to cutting height, then move X and Y, wash rinse repeat. So in theory, you show have a perfect pierce height every time it probes, then the THC will kick in once the torch starts and adjustments will be made to keep the torch at the correct cutting height thought the cut regardless of how “wavy” or “warped” the material “within reason”.
Works pretty much like this… I use metric units, so…
N0080 (Operation: Outside Offset, layer1, T2: Plasma, 1.5 mm kerf)
N0090 G00 X27.7378 Y9.2076 (goto pierce point)
N0100 G31 Z -100 F600.0 (probe workpiece)
N0110 G92 Z0.0 (set z zero on top of workpiece)
N0120 G00 Z3.2000 (raise Z to a pierce height of 3.2mm above workpiece to account for switch travel)
N0130 G92 Z0.0 (set z zero to the top of workpiece)
N0140 G00 Z2.5000 (raise z to a height of 2.5mm above work piece to begin pierce operation)
N0150 M03 (torch on)
N0160 G04 P300 (pause 300 milli seconds, or .3 seconds to pierce)
N0170 G01 Z1.8000 F1143.0 (lower torch to cutting height)
N0180 G03 X25.1778 Y11.7676 I-2.5600 J0.0000 F1625.6 (begin cutting)
Here is the dxf file for the stanchion plates. These plates offset the Y axis 3.125" to get back the full cutting dimensions when adding a powered Z axis. This is what worked my machine. The layout can be adjusted as necessary.
Stanchion Plate 3.125 Offset.dxf (4.1 KB)
ok thank you for sharing your design.
is there a way to add limit / stop switches on the ends of the stanchion plates so the bearing carriages won’t slam into them?
Yes, search youtube for user: tooljunkie
hey @Burgs04 any chance you can post a whole list of the parts and everything you needed to purchase from the electrical connectors to the motor and hardware? thinking about making up one of these and just curious exactly where to begin really. I have a mill and lathe for making most of the parts I need for mounting stuff but hardware wise a little jumbled… and im an idiot when it comes to electrical so a z drive 101 for dummies would be amazing lol. regardless, awesome work here, super jelly toast!