Coolant Evaporating

My evaporation problem is in the summer when tremps stay over 100 for months and humidity is below 20%.

Tractor supply has a tank that holds 15 gallons for $80
I use it and it’s just right.

My setup gravity drains through the filter into the tank. Thanks @toolboy.

I use the pump on the tank to refill the table, with the sprayer wand removed just lock on the trigger and let it go. The added bonus is that I can use the sprayer to rinse down the table or parts if needed The refill is a little slow but I can just set a timer and wait.

I used this filter I used.
Hypro 1-1/2 in. Polypropylene Line Strainer with 50 Mesh Stainless Steel Screen

And this tank
CountyLine 15 Gallon Economy Spot Sprayer Boxed


I’m going to set up a drain system. I’m a hobbyist who doesn’t cut every day. I’m also in New Mexico where the water in the table evaporates very quickly any time of the year. We also try to conserve water.

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I went and got one of the 20 gal Home Depot clamping lid red husky totes for at least a temp fluid storage for now until I can find something else. I’ll drill and add a couple bulkheads for drain into, and pump extraction of coolant. I’ve got a reusable 50 micron SS 10 inch filter and a universal filter housing to act in the betwixt of the table and storage tank.

Need to figure out if I need to add a heavy solids trap between the table drain and hose barb (to hose to filter housing) to capture any larger particles to keep them from clogging anything up in any diameter transitions

OK, so the 50 micron SS “10 inch” filter turned out to be a bust. Thing doesn’t even fit into a housing. Guess we’re doing woven filter cartridges then.

iSpring WSP-50SL Reusable Whole House Spin Down Sediment Water Filter Softener, Includes Siliphos Helps Prevent Scale and Corrosion, 1" MNPT + 3/4" FNPT, 50 Micron
This is what I use. But, I did tell you that my drain is 1/8 above the pan to keep the heavy stuff on the pan for clean up with a Shop vac. Keeps the water/ conditioner clean.


Out with the old!

(and if langmuir wanted to shoot me a message, I know someone who knows just how to make these who is not too far from the conroe base of ops…)


Dont quote me on this, this is just a guess from working in manufacturing… but i bet Langmuir cuts shipping costs significantly and also production cost by using 2 piece tables


and they create a WHOLE lotta grief in their customers with that process too.

pick your poison

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Looking good.

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Andy, love your new water bed. Absolutely perfect.

I do agree with @Kevinv98 on the shipping costs. If not the actual shipping charge, I can imagine the shipping container/materials necessary to eliminate damage during shipment being costly.

It definitely could be an up-charge offered to people. That would show if it was feasible. I would bet you got it for hundreds cheaper than what a shipped one would be.

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Just saying, as an option if nothing else, it can be made and offered.

There are other table manufactures out there that use multiple piece water pans as well. some are over 20-thousand-dollar tables…

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14 ga stainless, 0.020" torch height, 75 ipm, 45 amps, 75 psi air. Cleaned up with a surface prep disc on my 4.5" angle grinder. New drain installed directly after dross cleanup. PERFECT fit. Marine grade 3M 5200 sealant


Looks just like mine. That pump looks heavy-duty.

It’s a brewing pump off the 'zon. Was the best thing I could find for under $75.

Gotta figure out how (if at all) to hold the bed down to the frame, or just let the water weight take care of it.

Maybe bend up some straps that run under the frame rails to the front/back of the table (held in by sheet screws), with another small part coming from the opposing side down to the same holes. Spitballing


This is what I use. But the one you have will work just fine.
SEAFLO 33-Series Industrial Water Pressure Pump w/Power Plug for Wall Outlet - 115VAC, 3.3 GPM, 45 PSI
I tig welded four tabs on the bottom to screw into the 2" x 2" crossbeam.

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This is my little guy


I hope it doesn’t shoot the water out like the Ceasar Palace fountain.


Eh, if so I can choke the flow via the ball valve from the sump.

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Wonder what the ratio is to people that have trouble and the ones that don’t?
I had zero problems with a 4 piece pan. But than again I have some experience in sealing things :rofl:
There 2 or 4 piece pans aren’t the problem, its the skill level of the people trying to put them together.

In fact I wish the Titan 25 would have came as a Kit to save money, but maybe they figured people would have to many problems.