Constant misfiring, THC rising during cut, misfiring during cut

There are numerous reports of issues with these torches being resolved by loosening the cap. It seems pretty clear that there were manufacturing tolerance issues with copying Hypertherm’s design. There is not sufficient clearance between moving parts and loosening the cap increases the clearance.

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i think there is simply a flaw in design of the torch components. There are a metric ton of misfire topics and I bet cracking the consumables shield loose a touch would fix a lot of their problems. I have seen langmuir post that the machine torches are very temperamental when it comes to how tight the shield is but I would have never guessed it needed to be loose a 1/4 turn from the initial point of resistance.

I’m really hoping this thread helps people. Too many of these threads just ended with no continuance of answers to questions.

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Loose cap is not the fix… I have used Hypertherm plasma cutters off and on over 40 years and never had to run cap loose on the torch. If misfired it was either too low of air pressure at torch or restriction in the air supply line inside the torch lead, due from cruddy air supply because lack of filters or desiccant beads come apart and got in torch air supply.

The key is that this is not a Hypertherm plasma cutter or torch. It’s a knock off of the Hypertherm design and they screwed up on the tolerances.


I know this, I have the x45 from plasmadyn on my titanium 45 plasma machine. I used hand torch that come with titanium for a year no problems then bought the crossfire pro table, hooked machine torch up misfires right off the get go.Loosned cap no misfires, so i removed cover off plasma cutter and increased internal air regulator to 70 psi and no more misfires in over three years with cap tight. It uses the Hypertherm consumables.

@rat196426 You have been one of the lucky one with your machine torch and using Hypertherm consumables. There has been many people on here and other forums that have had nothing but trouble with the newer model X45 torch’s from Razorweld and plasmadyn using Hypertherm, Tecmo or even after market consumables.

The older X45 torch was a much better torch, but it cost more to make and they dropped it for this newer model.

Think about this! If the X45 torch was made to use Hypertherm consumables why then doesn’t Razorweld and Langmuir sell them.

I see this all the time with other copy torch’s for lots of plasma cutters.
Case in point is the PT/IPT torch’s. There are so many copy’s out their from China and they are all different.

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If you have to leave the cup lose for it to fire then you have a bad torch. Get a new torch and don’t use Hypertherm consumables unless it is a Hypertherm plasma cutter and torch.

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I had the Titanium plasma cutter before I decided to buy the crossfire pro 3 years ago. So, I bought the X45 machine torch from plasmadyn, because Titanium doesn’t manufacture a machine torch for their cutter. I have had no problems with it for over three years, except when first installed machine torch I had to increase internal air regulator to 70 psi due to misfires. After air pressure adjustment no more misfires.

i’m using plasmadyne consumables.

There is most likely something wrong with the torch. Do you have a hand torch you could hook up and test?

I don’t. I had to steal the pins from the hand torch to put in the machine torch and then through the testing i’ve done, I bypassed the whip connector and wired everything directly. I tossed it in the trash after

Well that’s not good. So even if you get a new torch you will have to rewire it to the plasma cutter it won’t just be a plug in.

6 month update. After being riddled with issues I couldn’t figure out and Langmuir wouldnt respond to me I have tested every component of the Langmuir system and electrically it attempted to fire the torch every time so I came to the conclusion it was the machine torch or the cutter. The vipercut is 6 years old and not designed for CNC so I took a gamble and bought a Primeweld Cut60 along with their new “hypertherm” torch. I’m pleased to say this appears to have solved everything whether it was the cutter or a combination of the cutter and the X45 torch. My frustrations appear to have come to an end! Thank you LORD. However, after 6 months of having to babysit this thing, there is a lingering waiting for it to mess up lol