Bendcontrol Patch 24.1.3 Official Release

Software Update! This is our official release for v24.1.3.
We are expanding the soft launch of the 24.1.3 patch beta to the forum members!


  1. Download the update following file and save it to a flash drive.
  1. Start your machine and insert the flash drive into the front USB port.

  2. Go to the Settings tab in BendControl.

  3. Select the button labeled “Update Software”. A popup will appear, select “Yes”.

  1. A file explorer will open. Select your flash drive from the list on the left of the file explorer. It should appear below “Downloads” and above “Documents”.

  2. Once opened, select the file titled “bendcontrol_24.1.3.jar”. Once selected, tap the “Open” button in the top right corner of the file explorer.

  3. After a few seconds, a popup will appear, select “Restart System”.

  4. Your machine will now update. Once complete, BendControl will boot up. This whole process will take a few minutes.

Here are some of the new features and upgrades in this version…

Before, we mentioned the following updates in the beta release

  • Removed bug where changing Backgauge coordinate names would propagate the name to other items in the list.
  • Removed bug where Backgauge coordinate names would not be visible until selecting another item in the list.
  • Removed bug where occasionally rearranging the order of bends would result in random items being swapped.
  • Allow user to scroll through a program while it is running. Also the menu will automatically scroll to the current bend (highlighted in red).

Additionally, we have added these updates to be included in the official release (today):

  • Improved reliability and stability (changes to partitioning)
  • Improved shutdown procedure (invisible to the user)
  • Improved Boot-up time

These boot/stability improvements will only be applied if you apply the update by re-etching your SD card instead of using the normal update procedure described above. You will want to make a backup file to save any custom bend programs you have - steps to do so are included in the instructions below.

THE HOTFIX FOR 24.1.3 has been updated. The 24.1.3 file linked below has no backgauge movement glitch.

Instructions to re-etch your SD card with the new patch can be found here:

Instructions to Etch SD Card.pdf (870.9 KB)

You can get the newest file to etch your SD card with 24.1.3 using the file below:

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I downloaded the new BendControl version 24.1.3 this morning, and it worked perfectly.

After speaking with Sam yesterday, I decided to purchase a new 512 MB Micro SD card with a XC II V60 version for the machine. This card offers more storage and is three times faster than the original. It has a speed of up to 300 MB vs 100 or less of the original card. FedEx is scheduled to deliver the new card this morning so I can flash it. I plan to keep the original SD card if I encounter any issues.

I will update everyone on the outcome later today. As you all know, the Orange Pi 5 has been very slow at processing input data. I hope this new card will improve performance and eliminate the sluggish functions of the machine.

Looking like it will be Monday. FedEx screwed up the delivery as usual. They are the worst shipping company in the world. They went from the best to the worst.

Here’s a couple tips.

The setup I used to extract my dropped uSD inside the machine. I’ve now used it 4 times, works great if you can see the card with a flash light.

If you can’t see the card, blow some compressed air in the enclosure near the power switch.

I also found out that 128G cards don’t work correctly. Better stick with a 64G. Buying one now.


So, my 512 GB card isn’t going to work? Because FedEx messed up the delivery. I have not flashed it yet.

512MB, wow how 2005 of you.


I put in a SanDIsk Ultra microSDXC 128gb card and it worked great. I couldn’t believe how quickly it booted with the new etch.


I’ve had nothing but problems since my titan arrived. Display wouldn’t come on. Eventually got that working and then after a handful of startups the unit froze in the startup screen and despite many attempts it wouldn’t ever get past it.
Talked to Sam and he said I needed to etch a card with this latest update. Ordered a 128GB micro SD card and I couldn’t get it to etch following the instructions provided.
Eventually I got desperate and downloaded a different etching program and got it to work.
The unit boots up faster than before and everything seems to work. Need to find time this week to play with it.
So if guys are having problem etching a card maybe try a different program.

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I could not get my new cards to work either. Put the old one back in. The first one would boot to the blue command prompt screen. The second one booted, but the bend program did not work.

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I have a new 64g card flashed. I wanted the Extreme card but no stock, went with the Ultra

My Linux desktop mounted the flashed 64g card just fine. The 128g card didn’t show up automagically without fussing with it, even though it flashed correctly.

I’m heading to the shop this afternoon and will post my findings.

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What program are you using to create and burn the image ?

I use Pi’s on a daily basis at work for our machines. I always format Fat32 using diskpart (windows tool) then burn using Win32 Disk imager. Same tool will also create a copy of the original SD.

Looking at the OrangePI spec, it does not mention a size limitation, just recommends to be class 10. I have a mix of Extreme and Ultra Plus.


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When Windows etcher created the 128g card, it used GPT partitioning. My ubuntu 22.04 shop laptop couldn’t see the partitions, even though they were there, confirmed with cfdisk. Eventually, my laptop would see them but not on plugging. I couldn’t use Linux etcher at the shop (which I normally use, in olden times dd was my friend :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) because the 25T image is 64g, which is a over sized but fine. I didn’t have 64g free space.

This is what I had to use too @Craig1
The recommended balena program wouldn’t work for some reason.
But I downloaded and used the Win32 one and it worked the first time.

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Another option is eMMc and do away with the SD card altogether.

For the little cost, Langmuir should do this from the factory and remove all the SD card problems they have. This is why I also prefer the PI CM modules over the regular versions.


I saw that. eMMC would solve potential uSD corruption from miscellaneous shutdowns. However, the option to completely re-flash the file system is an easier option for non-tech customers. Not mention the inaccessibility of the eMMC drive inside the 25T enclosure.

FYI about 8 years ago, I worked on project to examine uSD file system corruption from power cycles, I cycled 4 RPI3 about 25k times counting reliability of ext4 vs btrfs. brtfs promises better performance in this area but I didn’t see it. My testing included both named cards, SanDisk, and generic. SanDisk, purchased directly from SanDisk, were way better.


Here’s my quick 24.1.3 comments.

It boots faster, “No signal” to “I Understand and Agree” is 70 seconds.
We didn’t restore our settings or try anything other than homing and jogging down.

We did find one bug, “Continuous Retract Jog” doesn’t work with the touchscreen, works with a mouse though. The button gets focus on a touch-hold event but no movement occurs.

As far as the changelog “more reliable” statement, definitely true. I poked around the SD card after flashing. The root filesystem during boot is mounted read only which reduces or eliminates the chance of filesystem corruption when you just turn off the power. This is welcomed structural change. :clap: :clap: :clap:

I’ll investigate more in the next couple days.


Thanks for the feedback! Glad to hear that the system is more reliable now!

We have released a hotfix released that fixes that continuous movement issue if you want to re-etch the card again. The only remaining glitch from that image we need to fix is the mixup between the 3169 punch height and the 9302 punch height.

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I’ll re-image and continue. Did you update the download links in the original post above?