Been running good. Now I'm having issues

The random pierce is really strange. 100% sure it doesn’t show up in the gcode?

Nothing in code. It was layed out in sheetcam and only happened on one piece not all 4

Anything in the log? cut n paste this into a File explorer:

then open firecontrol.log

Although mine has failed to capture any reported errors. Maybe you’ll get lucky.

The lock up and random pierce could be a software problem or an interference problem. I would lean to software bug because I would expect it to be more consistent with torch firing if it were interference. But that’s just a guess. When it did the random pierce did you see it? Did it go through the whole process of IHS before firing?

Anyway I would open up a support ticket and send them your gcode. There maybe something that triggers it.

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recorded something

2020-05-19 18:19:51:266 ERROR MailSender:291 - Failed to send email:
fromRecipient=Recipient{name=‘FireControl Reports’, address=‘’, type=null},

On May 19, 2020 at 6:19 PM ( Eastern Standard Time ), user joanna sent the following crash report:

System Information

Operating System Microsoft Windows 10 (Home) build 18363
Processor Intel® Core™ i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz
1 physical CPU package(s)
2 physical CPU core(s)
4 logical CPU(s)
Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 142 Stepping 9
ProcessorID: BFEBFBFF000806E9
Architecture 64-bit
Memory (available) 6.2 GiB
Memory (total) 11.9 GiB
Disk C:</td>
Available space 64.2 GiB
Total space 230.0 GiB
Java version 13.0.1-BellSoft+9
Java vendor BellSoft

Stack Trace

org.awaitility.core.ConditionTimeoutException: Condition with lambda expression in com.langmuir.cnc.desktop.viewmodel.firecontrol.ArcVoltageLostViewModel that uses com.langmuir.cnc.core.pojos.MachineStatus was not fulfilled within 10 seconds.
at org.awaitility.core.ConditionAwaiter.await(
at org.awaitility.core.CallableCondition.await(
at org.awaitility.core.CallableCondition.await(
at org.awaitility.core.ConditionFactory.until(
at org.awaitility.core.ConditionFactory.until(
at com.langmuir.cnc.desktop.viewmodel.firecontrol.ArcVoltageLostViewModel.runFromHere(
at com.langmuir.cnc.desktop.view.firecontrol.ArcVoltageLostView.showAlert(
at com.langmuir.cnc.desktop.view.firecontrol.ArcVoltageLostView.lambda$initialize$0(
at javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper$SingleChange.fireValueChangedEvent(Unknown Source)
at javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.binding.ExpressionHelper.fireValueChangedEvent(Unknown Source)
at javafx.base/ Source)
at javafx.base/ Source)
at javafx.base/ Source)
at com.langmuir.cnc.desktop.viewmodel.firecontrol.ArcVoltageLostViewModel.lambda$configureObserver$0(
at de.saxsys.mvvmfx.utils.notifications.DefaultNotificationCenter.publish(
at de.saxsys.mvvmfx.utils.notifications.DefaultNotificationCenter.publish(
at com.langmuir.cnc.desktop.viewmodel.common.ProgramViewModel.lambda$executeActionsForProgramPaused$9(
at$runLater$10(Unknown Source)
at java.base/ Source)
at$runLater$11(Unknown Source)
at$ Source)
at Method)
at$runLoop$3(Unknown Source)
at java.base/ Source)
subject=‘joanna’s crash report’,
recipients=[Recipient{name=‘null’, address=‘’, type=To}]

I had the slow lowering issue last weekend after no problems for many weeks. I didn’t see how to easily adjust the friction so I decided to add a drop of oil to the 2 sides and lead screw and have had zero problems since.

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I have no tension issues. Everything is well lubricated and adjusted. It seems more software to me than hardware

I can’t say what the weird extra pierce thing is for or why FireControl randomly froze when commanded to run from here (@langmuirsystems will look into it). But the only thing I’ve ever seen cause the slow IHS move is if the lower eccentric bearing is too tight. I’d loosen the lower eccentric slightly and see if the issue persists.


I will try this today and double check to see how tight it is

Sounds good- we had a meeting today about this topic and we’re looking into adding some debounce in software to better alleviate this issue. That will take a few weeks to develop but we’re on it.


I haven’t cut yet, but what Im seeing is the tension for the eccentric bearings were perfectly adjusted for about 90% of the travel, except of course the last inch or so. You can see in this video. I sped up plunge speed to 300ipm to exaggerate the stickiness. Of course it was sticking right where its the most important down by material. So I loosened it up just a touch and lubricated the crap out of it. So that rules that out. Now off to some cuts!

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Well. No good. First cut of the day. Installed new consumables. Started cutting. Did 2 holes then didnt fire for the next 2 holes, then fired for 1 hole then stopped firing and gave me “run from here option”, which doesnt help since it skipped some holes.

Maybe the wiring for the torch fire? Not making good contact. Just thinking thinking out loud.

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This is all it does now. Just tried 3 more times. Swapped USB cable, made sure plasma was away, no cables next to each other. I dont get it. Ran fine for weeks now this. I got orders and I cant do anything.

If I manually press my trigger nothing happens. What does this mean?

OK, just fooled around with the retaining cap and got it to fire. Lets see if this works now

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OK so far so good. I took the retaining cap off and there was some corrosion inside from water splashback. I cleaned it and put it back on and now shes cutting. Hopefully thats all it was. Off to make some cuts now.


Just made a big 30" cut no problem. Could that corroded retaining cap been the culprit for software issues? I noticed before my voltage was around 90v and after cleaning Im back up to around 118v

I know on our machine here, that if you tighten the cap too much it misfires bad. We have had extensive talks with the leadership at Razorweld about this and are hoping that can come up with a solution. But ya, just barely snug the cap down and you should be fine.


Yes I read somewhere on the forum a while back about that issue, so Ive always just gone snug, not tight. This was literally corrosion on the brass so it wasnt making a good contact on the pins. Glad its all sorted out. Thank you everyone for ideas of what to check. I guess it doesnt hurt to look over everything. Crazy how something so minuscule can cause such headaches!

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old topic, but just reading troubleshooting posts for another issue. you may have resolved this already, but I know as a millwright working on post mixers that slide up and down a shaft like these that they do not like off balanced loads on the slides. the way you have the torch straight out from the torch holder, and the weight of the cable can cause slide binding which would take the load off of the switch to sometimes make it fire early, and could be the cause of slow downward travel due to friction binding. oil on the slide and a way to lessen the unbalanced weight would help.