Bar sink drain dimple die

Have the dies stalled out? Haven’t seen any movement in some time and I would like to get my tables done asap. Not pushing anyone just seeing if they are still being sent around.

Thank you

Welcome to the forum @GreenHorn a little belatedly.

Hi Zeb,
Have you received the dies yet?

Oh yeah, you said you did fifteen days ago.

No problem. I sent a message yesterday to Greenhorn that they were mailed out to him yesterday.

Zeb received them a couple of weeks ago.

And sent them out. They’re on the road again.

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Awesome. Thanks for the updates. Those dies sure have some miles on them lol

Good afternoon everyone. I received those dies this weekend and am hoping to get them out to @Stewie by next week…sooner if I can get to the water table project this week between work, kids, and school.
Also, @PKSharp, thanks for the welcome. Belated is just fine in these crazy busy lives we lead.

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Hello everyone,
I finished up with the dimple dies this weekend and will be taking them to UPS this evening after work and they are going to @Stewie next. Who ever is next in line will need to get with him. I cut my holes with a 1 3/4in hole saw at which point I realized the exact fit for the dies would be a 1 7/8in hole saw. Just FYI.
@nortonscustoms, thank you for sharing your awesome creation with all of us. The dies worked great. I’m impressed with the comradary that the Langmuir community exhibits.

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I believe @ShaneP is next in line.

Glad to hear you got it done and it worked out well. I can’t wait to get them installed on my tables.

Hello @Stewie how is your drains coming along? I know it’s the beginning of the holidays but trying to keep these dies moving along.

@Upstategrowguy77 I received the dies from @Stewie yesterday. I have some things I have to get cut this weekend, then I should be able to drain the table and get this knocked out. If you want to dm me your address, I’ll get them out to you as soon I’m finished.

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@ Upstategrowguy77 Looks like you’re next on the list for the dies, if you haven’t been asked for them when you’re done could you send them my way please? I’ll DM you with my address. Thanks!

Not sure where the official list is posted, but I would like to be added to the list.

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@stang84g I think I’m the last in line but I just messaged the person that looked like was next from reading through the thread, I don’t think there is a list but @Upstategrowguy77 is waiting for them and was going to send them to me after @ShaneP finishes with them and sends them to him. I sent a PM with my contact info. So I think I’m 2nd in line after Shane, we will see though! You’re welcome to PM me your contact info and I can send them to you as soon as I’m done. Not sure how long that will be but this is a great deal considering what dies cost and well worth the wait.


Welcome to the forums @stang84g

Once I receive them I will let @p40whk know when they are headed his way so we will keep you in the loop. Since it’s the holiday season I’m sure they will get slowed down a bit but I will do my best to be speedy with turning them around.

I just ordered my Crossfire pro and want to do liquid management to drain, filter and refill the table. How do I get my hands on that “Dimple die”? I am in San Tan Valley AZ.

@STVspeed welcome to the forum! Been spending my week working in your beautiful state! Have traveled from Pheonix up to Tuba city and back to Pheonix doing some building inspections. Hiked a small portion of the Bright Angel trail yesterday morning. The Grand Canyon is truly magnificent! And the pines and valleys around Flagstaff are pretty too. My wife and I did rim to rim a couple years back. Would love to do rim to rim to rim someday… would probably need a rest day or two between tho. I actually designed the building and structures at the Tumbleweed Park over by the Chandler airport.

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You can also use your plasma cutter to cut the holes…just sayin.

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