Bar sink drain dimple die

You can use a tool like this ( check the size first) But I just cut 4 slots in a 1 inch conduit so it would fit in the bottom slots, to make it easier to tighten.

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Hope it works out for you.
My address is, 268 Hillside drive
Campbellford Ontario Canada
K0L 1L0

I finished with dies this morning will mail them out Monday.


Roger that. Did they turn out ok?

They did. Bought smaller bar sink drains at Lowe’s. Cut 2-1/8 hole and used plenty of silicon grease on both sides of die set. I used an impact wrench and followed up with 2ft breaker bar for last 1/4 turn. Insure the pan is clean.

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That looks good. I’ll have to get a 2 1/8" drill.
Thanks and good luck

That’s the key to getting a nicely defined dimple. Grease or oil the die faces really well before clamping them together. Also the pilot on the die is 1-7/8" but any hole saw between 1-7/8" to 2.1/8" works fine. All depends on how tight of a fit you want.


Barry posted the dies. Tracking number

Could I get on the list? This seems like a great idea for my pro. Apologies if I need to email someone directly.

Hi Zeb,
The dies are on their way to me. When I get them i will let you know.
I’m in Canada.

Just received the dies. I’ll be dimpling tomorrow.
What’s your address? I will send them out when I’m done

The dies are coming my way. Has anyone spoken for them next?

Hello Zeb! Just got my CrossFire Pro setup and would love to claim them next if no one has spoken for them.

Ok, after I receive them and do the deed, I’ll send them your way. PM me your address when convenient.

Thanks Zeb I’ll get that to your PM.

Would love to be next on the list. Please and thank you.

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@Stewie PM me your address and i will send them to you once I receive them and knock my pan holes out.

Sent let me know if you didnt receive.

I would like to get on this list.

I would also like to joint the list when they are available. Please and thank you