Has anyone had any experience with additives to the water for rust reduction? I know the slats are eventually disposable, but tables always look such a rusty mess. Is draining every use the best way? I know several have come up with drain/pump systems with storage tanks.
My XR is due any time and I am planning and plotting. New to plasma cutting.
If you combine NItrite it works great. If you search online you can find the combination of things to use. Just make sure you use Nitrite and NOT Nitrate also need to use an anti bacterial agent and maybe some coloring in the water.
Thanks for that. I saw a similar suggestion in the other link provided. It seems some use additives, and some drain. Was wondering if there is a consensus as to which is preferable. As with everything, I suppose it matters how one is using the table, but i thought worth asking as more and more start using their tables.
Well my experience has been great. I have been using this mixture for months and have no issue with rust. The only thing that happens is the water evaporates. It is cheap and does the job. I never empty my water table other than to clean it out even though I did plumb a tank and pump system for the table.
The business I sold a couple years ago I had a OMAX waterjet cutter. We had the same rust issue if we left carbon steel sheets on the table overnight. Ended up putting a floating chlorine tablet holder in our water tank which helped quite a bit.
To change the subject since you are making plans for you XR table. One thing I did putting my crossfire pro together, was I used nylon locking nuts wherever I could. This keeps the table good and solid and doesn’t really cost that much to swap the nuts for the locking nuts cost me about $5 and I think it makes a big difference in keeping everything tight.
If you guys are interested we have a topic going that looks at a whole bunch of different additives and I was able to post quite a few of their MSDS s.
So if you’re curious of the chemical composition of these additives this is a good topic for you.
Also one of the chemists from KCI has posted on there a couple times.