I’ve been wanting to build a belt grinder, but 2 x 72 grinders are too large for what I need. I saw a Youtube video I Built A Better Belt Grinder…Here’s How - YouTube where a guy designed and built a 2 x 48 and it looked like just what I was looking for. He was kind enough to share the DXF files that he used, so I nested them up and cut them out of 1/4" material. There is one piece missing in this pic, because I forgot to add it to my nest.
The plans called for a plastic adjustment knob, but I decided to use one of the drops to cut out a knob and weld it to a bolt for the tracking adjuster.
I painted the steel parts and made a frame from some 1.5" aluminum tube that I had left over from another project. The frame allows it to be used horizontally as well as vertically. I just need to make another platen for horizontal use and get some more feet for the horizontal base.
Well then, looks like I’m building a belt grinder. This looks like it would be fairly straight forward to make longer support tubes and make it fit a 72” belt as well.