Why does this happen

Why don’t all my cut lines show up after setting it up on fusion? I’ve downloaded multiple svgs and all are having the same issue.

You should always post a screenshot as many times one of us can easily pick out why something doesn’t appear.

Whether it’s a warning (usually a linking constraint) or something as simple as having clicked the “eyeball” to make something appear visible or not.

Without a screenshot, it’s anyone’s guess so we can’t help you.

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@Jsaavedra likely in the manufacturing workspace.

Potentially some parameter issue ( too big in fit in the cut ) in the 2D profile menu or in your tool profile as @Kwikfab stated



Actually one of the files I purchased from @TinWhisperer lol

My friend, screenshot.

You need to screenshot.

I assume you’re referring to the center slot? If so, that’s because you have a crazy long lead-in so it will disregard that cut path as a “linking constraint”

Where from?. I haven’t ever sold a file .

Jk it’s tin man*. I assumed you were the same person

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ah yes. there is a guy on fireshare that is the tin man

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The importance of screenshots, especially when you’re already on a computer doing design work on.

Versus a cell phone picture.

Not specifically directed at you OP, just figured it’s time I finally do a comparison as many people in this forum as well as the FB group insist on phone pictures. They’re the worst.

I made this text as a sample and forcibly created a long lead-in for the linking constraint error that is normally hidden by a cell phone picture.


Looks like your lead-in is too long.

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Something every man wishes she always said