Why don’t all my cut lines show up after setting it up on fusion? I’ve downloaded multiple svgs and all are having the same issue.
You should always post a screenshot as many times one of us can easily pick out why something doesn’t appear.
Whether it’s a warning (usually a linking constraint) or something as simple as having clicked the “eyeball” to make something appear visible or not.
Without a screenshot, it’s anyone’s guess so we can’t help you.
@Jsaavedra likely in the manufacturing workspace.
Potentially some parameter issue ( too big in fit in the cut ) in the 2D profile menu or in your tool profile as @Kwikfab stated
Actually one of the files I purchased from @TinWhisperer lol
My friend, screenshot.
You need to screenshot.
I assume you’re referring to the center slot? If so, that’s because you have a crazy long lead-in so it will disregard that cut path as a “linking constraint”
Where from?. I haven’t ever sold a file .
Jk it’s tin man*. I assumed you were the same person
ah yes. there is a guy on fireshare that is the tin man
The importance of screenshots, especially when you’re already on a computer doing design work on.
Versus a cell phone picture.
Not specifically directed at you OP, just figured it’s time I finally do a comparison as many people in this forum as well as the FB group insist on phone pictures. They’re the worst.
I made this text as a sample and forcibly created a long lead-in for the linking constraint error that is normally hidden by a cell phone picture.
Looks like your lead-in is too long.
Something every man wishes she always said