Water Table suggestion for LS

I have watched videos of people putting together the 2 water pans. Silicon is what comes with the pans. I have seen people weld the 2 water pans together. The water pans have 3 high sides and one low side, which is siliconed together. But why not just have all 4 sides the same height? Then there is no need for silicon or welding and no possibility of leaks.

If pans was the same height you would cut one side up when torch passes through. It is a 2 piece design for shipping cost I assume. The short side has bolt holes to bolt them together. If the pan is bolted or screwed the frame it won’t move. Me personally I slide and wiggle metal upwards of 400 pounds around on my table. I wouldn’t trust magnet.


OK. So the plasma cutter would cut the stainless side. No way to protect it?

This guy shows his one piece water table. .

If you had two pans with the side all the same size you would definitely cut through it on the inner side. There have been a few that made new one piece pans. I welded mine it didn’t take long at all never had a issue with it leaking.


Thanks. Maybe some day they will offer an upgrade to a one piece water pan. I have never welded before and a welder told me it takes some practice. Thin stainless is probably not easy.

i would agree that if you don’t have a little experience it could end up bad. you may find a local tech school offer one of the students 30 bucks to tig it up for you. i would assume the instructor would make sure the right person would tackle it.


I have never had a leak. I move the table around once a month or so? just has not been an issue for me, but I did my best to prep and caulk the joint, etc.


I followed other peoples lead and TIG my pans together. I also TIG the holes shut and slide the pan in on angle iron rails . Now when I clean the pan I lift the slats out, slide the pan out and dump it in the dumpster. Slide it back in hook up the drains refill the pan and back in business.