Ventilation and smoke management


In the linked thread, Langmuir responded to someone with the recommended water level (3/4" below top of slats):

Water level in table - how much? - CrossFire ® PRO / General Discussion - Langmuir Systems Forum

make sure you at least wear a proper mask for the black dust…

at minimum this is what you should wear…

this is a better choice

I even have a HRV air exchange system in my garage as well as a local circulation filtration system…

you can not be safe enough when burning metal


I wear that first low profile face mask you showed underneath my face shield. Replacement filters are pricey but but I’ve been able to buy some 10 packs for a half decent price.


I wear the 3M one you posted. I stick with it because it’s the only one I have been test fit and smoke tested for.

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@72Pony I have a 3m like that but am wondering what cartridge number do you buy for this type application?

Generally, the ones sold at the Lowes/Home Depot type locations are equipped for organics, like paint and pesticides.

I don’t remember off the top of my head. Not the ones they came with I’ll have to look at them and get back to you.

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rusty or dirty metal is where you get most of your smoke on top

only tested

I have been using the 2091 (P100) but the 2297 may be a better choice.

Here is what 3M has to say

This is their welding specific brochure.


Very similar to my setup . I run a faceshield w an adflo and a halfmask