Using sheetcam with langmuir systems table

I am having issues with my parts coming from fusion to scale right in Sheetcam. If I create the G Code in Fusion it will cut to the correct size from Mach 3. If I import the part in to Sheetcam it either comes in way to big (inches box) or way to small (MM box) Any ideas?


Iā€™m new at this stuff. Still trying to figure things out. That gift is neat. Would you share the file for it? TIA Ken

I am wondering can you lead me to a tutorial on nesting say for example 6 different dxf. files on one sheet in sheet cam? I can import them all and nest them but then I canā€™t apply any operations after I move the unaltered DXF. files around on the sheet ā€¦ Pretty slow and inefficient to do but I been cutting one at a time when i have multiple different files :frowning:

Wondering if you are switching back out of ā€œnesting modeā€ and into ā€œedit contoursā€ after making your movesā€¦? Just a quick thought in the middle of the nightā€¦

Arc Lights tutorial on nesting it pretty good. Easy Google search will find it.
One thing though, you canā€™t apply operations to nested objects. You can only apply operations to the original object from which the nest is generated. The tutorial explains why and how to get around it.


Yesā€¦ agree!!

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So if your on the fence with the $140 sheet am vs free fusion, here is an example that might help you make a decision. Fusion totally choked on this one and I spent hours trying to select contours. Imported and cut via sheetcam in min. This file easily paid for itself in my time savings.


Gave up on fusion a while ago sheetcam is easy !!! Spent a couple of hours learning the ins and outsā€¦
$140 for my sanity over fusion cam!!! Well Worth it!!!


questionā€¦ running the razorweld and fire control what is the post processor that we need to select in Sheetcam? I cant find anything in there list in regards to razorweld, fire control or anything.

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CrossFire PRO / CrossFire with IHS & THC CrossFire without IHS & THC
CrossFire Motion Control v1.1ls CrossFire Motion Control v1.2ls CrossFire Motion Control v1.2ls
Fusion360 Fusion 360 Post v1.5 Fusion 360 Post v1.6 Fusion 360 Post v1.6
You must toggle both IHS and THC post settings to ā€˜Noā€™.
SheetCAM SheetCAM Post v1.5 SheetCAM Post v1.6 SheetCAM Post v1.6
You must set both Pierce Height and Cut Height to 0 in the Jet Tool Menu. Im a guessing the latest sheetcam post processor


Hey Jim - itā€™s entirely possible that Iā€™m entirely misreading your reply, but Iā€™m unable to find any of the post-processors that you seem to be recommending.

The Crossfire Pro does not use Mach3, if I understand correctly, and Iā€™m unable to find any of the others on the rather lengthy list.

Did you look here?


Main site then sapport then downloads i think. Or just click on link Jamesdhatches provived .

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Precisely what I was looking for, and even with our sarcasm! LOL

Many thanks! :metal:t2:

I couldnā€™t get @jimtā€™s links to go anywhere. Not sure how he embedded them or if itā€™s my machine. I remember the first time I setup my original Crossfire I had to wander around the website - it was like they werenā€™t where I thought they should be. Found them and saved the favorite. :man_shrugging:

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Right on - I think you all have pointed me in the right directionā€¦ At least temporarily away from the cliff. LOL

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this file worked awesome.

I decided to buy sheetcam after my first day and havenā€™t looked back!