USB Not Connecting

My Crossfire Pro immediately connects so I know my USB and laptop is functioning properly.
When my Crossfire (2x2) is powered there are green LED’s lit on the two cards and a red LED (flashing) lit on the top board when the USB cable is connected to it but isn’t seen on the laptop.

Also, my power supply fan is not spinning so not sure if it is thermostatically controlled or supposed to be on all the time 9it is about 40deg currently).


Welcome to the forum!

It might be worth checking the power supply. Those green lights in the enclosure (two of them) will come on with just the USB cable from the computer. You can easily test that theory by turning off the enclosure. If the lights are green then they are powered thru the computer cable.

You might be right: power supply is not working. I can’t answer your question about the fan.

Here is a pdf file that will show you how to test and, if necessary, adjust the output voltage to 36 volts.
Adjusting power supply voltage.pdf (2.4 MB)

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I will check that TY!

Fan will only come on if the power supply requires it. Check for 36 VDC.

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Thanks for the information. I am going to check that voltage!

Sadly, the power supply is putting out the recommended 35v so any other ideas out there?

I would start a ticket with Langmuir:

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I have but no response as of yet. Been a few days so figured I could hit up the group and troubleshoot prior to them responding.


So, if you have tried a new USB cable and a different computer, the power supply has 36vdc to the board. I have to assume that the control board is no good. Just because the small LEDs are on doesn’t mean it works. Those boards go bad all the time. I’m on my second one myself.
Email them again or call them at 833 526 4797.
Good luck, my friend

They all attended a Hotrod trade show last week. I’m sure this thread will get their attention. @Langmuir-Johnny


the mainboard gets its power from the USB. the power supply has nothing to do with it connecting to the laptop or not.

if you tried other cables/ports on your laptop and still nothing, most likely the board is bad, even with LEDs lit.

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