Twitch (and youtube) Live Streams CAD CAM

Ok Again thank you for doing this.

To answer your question on my sketch lines being off from my pencil lines, that is to allow me some room to weld. I will post pictures when done.

I learned some more from that video, now retaining it… well will see how that goes.


Well its back together and seems to work, will know for sure once they hook it to hydraulics
Thanks for all your help!


You’re welcome

Looks Perfect, you did a great job with it.

When you did that scan did you put a ruler on it and scale off that? Using calibrate in Fusion 360?

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No I just measured of the drawing I made. I remember you talking about that, but forgot to try it.

First time I drew it on a piece of paper and then took a picture. Thanks to you I learned to scan the drawing which works 10 times better


Doin metal art is fun and all . It is stuff like this I prefer doing and the reason I bought my machine. :+1:


Starting a live stream at 4:45a pst to recreate and walkthrough this scenario.

We will discuss

The setup menu in manufacturing

Multi profiles under one setup

Template for the 2D profile menu

Here are the files and links from the live stream



Quick Follow up video to the last live stream

I’ll start in 10 minutes or so

4 DESIGNS ONE SKETCH (2).f3d (162.2 KB)


Very nice! I was familiar with templates but have not used them yet.

In my mind, I create some of the same settings but by using templates I could let some of my gray matter get a break.

As always, the time you take to explain these settings helping to make more sense out of the work flow, is much appreciated!

(Note: I have had the same issue dragging the tool path and not seeing the blue indicator!!! Weird.)


This time we create some replacement BBQ parts for a friend.

We will run through the entire procedure of turning these photos, notes and diagrams to G-code using Autodesk Fusion.

3x grill pieces made from 1/4" plate to replace the stamped metal ones.

1x bracket make from 14 ga stainless steel.



Will aim to get started at 630pm PST April 18 2024.

Live Streaming on Twitch and Youtube

and this time I’ll also be on the Langmuir Discord Channel under Twitch Live stream during the stream.

It should be a easy going straight forward and practical project.

Edit: I forgot I have to help my kid build her school egg drop contest thing tonight so we’ll have to postpone the live stream till tomorrow night. April 18


Well the stars have aligned and it looks like I should be able to do the live stream about making these barbecue parts at 6:30 p.m. Pacific time today. April 18.


Here is another zig zag version I was working with.


I like the wavy or the zig-zag, but knowing you, you will surprise us with a totally different design by the time it hits the press!


Monogram the grill plates with the owners initials or name.

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This time we will do a Fusion video but this will be for a 3D printed clay stamp instead of plasma cutting.

We will go through the whole process of taking a couple pictures of a clay stamp impression, designing a tool to create that stamp, export the design to Bambu studios and 3D printing it.

Here is a example of a stamp like this I have made before.

will start a 5:30am+/- pst this morning.

I’ll also be in the discord channel.

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And it ended.

Voice audio was fine, music was too loud. Maybe kill music when you start?


had to restart . should be up again now. internet issues

Here’s the final product seems to work. I think I should make it maybe a little bit shallower.

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What will that be used for? Ceramics or pottery?

It will be for pottery I believe.

Thought you might want to see the final product. It worked as it should and did not leak
could not have done it with out you. Thanks again