Trouble cutting 3/8” with Crossfire Pro and Primeweld Cut60 (Not solved yet)

I will be one to defend the cut60. The only thing wrong with in in the past iteration was that the divided voltage board inside the cutter was causing voltage spikes burning up the divided voltage circuit in the VIM, so it was suggested to use RAW voltage from inside the cutter. Heck even the Everlast cutters have problems with thier divided voltage boards and Langmuir suggests connecting them up RAW from the inside as well.

@CrazyCasey i know you’ve been thrown a crapload of suggestions to try. And like I mentioned to you in DM’s, go back to the basics and start with a table that didn’t have limit switches (take them out of the loop completely) as the original Pro shipped without them. Next downgrade to either 20.6.2 of firecontrol as has been suggested before or even go a lil further and go down to 20.5 as I’ve been using for the past 2 1/2- 3 years. I stayed with 20.5 due to seeing issues pop up starting with 20.6 and recent versions.

In my experience, when iEMI was causing the issue, firecontrol would freeze (grey out) and the torch would stay on to where you would have to turn off the cutter to extinguish it. From what I’m reading, and correct me if I’m wrong, the freezing you’re getting is just firecontrol itself without the torch being fired. If that’s the case then the cutter is not even in the loop at that point and seems to point to either the control box or the laptop and maybe even a faulty usb cable.

Once you do those 2 changes (eliminate the limit switches and downgrading to 20.6.2 or lower) and hopefully have some good test runs without errors, then update back to 21.5 and test again.

Cheaper than going out and buying another cutter which might or might now solve your problems.

20.5 if you wanna go that route