Touch Probe Wiring

So in my world of “anything that can go wrong will go wrong” This happened.

I was unscrewing my touch probe after using it, and didnt realize that the probe wasnt unscrewing, it was unscrewing the 2 halfs of the connector. It seemed a bit tight, but nothing crazy. When it came apart I realized what had happened. Does anyone know what wires go to which pins? I guess Ill try and re-strip them and re-solder them on.

Couldnt find any threads with this info, so I assume Im the first person dumb enough to do this. Once its fixed, there will be loctite going on the connector side.

Probe pinout: 1=white, 2=black, 3=red

These are from my wiring notes (for a control conversion) here: GitHub - alexphredorg/mr1: Langmuir MR-1 configuration for LinuxCNC

Don’t feel bad, I’ve torn off the plug at least twice. It’s pretty easy to re-wire.


Just went to go look and im thinking maybe you are talking probe side? My wires are orange, yellow, red (brown?).

Ill dig though your github thing, but a quick look and i didnt see that side

I guess they aren’t using standard colors across their devices. I’m talking about the connector attached to the probe.

Went and took apart the other end of the connector. I assume its the same on both ends so it goes

1: yellow
2: orange
3: brown

In case this comes up for anyone else.

Edit, I lied. Apparently matching the incoming wires dont work. I get a light on the probe, but it wont light up the “probe” icon on Cut Control. I hope its just a wiring issue and something isnt broken in the probe.

Edit Edit: I re-soldered the whole thing and it works now. So those colors are right.

I took apart my two probes this morning for you. Both of mine are the same as Alex’s.
Pin 1 White
Pin 2 Black
Pin 3 Red
Sorry, I could not be of any help.

Its not tthe probe side, its rhe wire that goes back to the cabinet side

Took that apart also. You’re correct on the female pin locations.

Well shit. Thats great and thank you, but now looks like something on my probe isnt working, so thats fun.

Sorry about that. :weary:

BigDaddy, Perfect timing and thanks for this. I needed exactly that after recently running my spindle warmup AFTER mounting my touch probe… ill-advised :slight_smile:

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Curious, how fast did it get spun up to? Not sure the design is well suited as a wilggler type.

lol. I hear ya! Fortunately, my warmup starts at 1000rpm so it survived… minus its connection to the machine :wink:

That said, it spun remarkably smoothly while it was spinning- lol.

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LOL I’m very glad to hear it was well balanced. I was afraid you were gonna say it went full tilt :grimacing:

Updated my post. The colors are right. (brown, orange and yellow)

I re-soldered the whole thing and it works now.

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The real tragedy is that it really wouldn’t have been hard to add another pin to the probe that checks for continuity that would occur when the probe is plugged in and refuse to start the spindle.


That would have been a great idea.