Touch Probe is off

I’m at a loss…

My touch probe is slightly off every time I probe an edge. I have meticulously set travel compensations using 2 different dial indicators, it is set perfect. I have also set the touch probe concentricity to where the dial indicators do not budge as its rotated in the collet. BUT, for some reason when I use the probe to find the 3" edges of the 123 block it comes up .0047" long on X and .0048 long on Y. I did have to update my probe with the 2.0 kit. Is it possible something is off inside or is this as accurate as the probe gets?

Any help is much appreciated.


Are you sure your travel comps are set correctly? Incorrect travel compensation will affect the measurements.

Edit: Oops just saw that you double checked it. What version of software are you using? And what do you have set for probe tip deflection?

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Version 24.1.1. I dont see probe tip deflection but shaft linear flex is .0025

Try setting the deflection to zero and repeating the measurement of the 1-2-3 block.

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Setting deflection at 0, now x is .0096 off and y is .009

You set the deflection to zero and now it’s measuring .009” over 3”? Or is it under?

Hi Daniel,

I was looking over my notes while measuring and made a mistake in my initial post. I was at .0048" UNDER on Y and .0047" UNDER on X measuring the 3" block. When setting deflection to 0, I am .009" UNDER on Y and .0096" UNDER on X measuring the same 3" block. I also managed to catch an edge of the 123 block with the stylus and break it. Is it possible to order just the stylus?

On another note…
It would be cool if there was a setting where if you’re jogging the machine manually and then catch an edge with the probe it stopped it like a limit switch instead of just powering through.

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Any update on what you found?

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