Torch won’t fire (SOLVED)

I have a Hyperthermia 30 torch on my Pro model. Started running the break- in program. Tried to fire the torch and relay clicked. No fire. Manually pulled trigger and torch fired. Any suggestions?

I would verify that your trigger wire circuit is correct.

When you say you tried to fire the torch, you try to fire the torch through fire control not running a program. just a manual fire through firecontrol?

Here’s a historical topic from The forum covering the wiring for the hypertherm 30 hand torch and its locations.

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Yes, only thru fire control . Haven’t got to the point of running programs . Will probably try to download Sheetcam tomorrow

I would verify your trigger circuit before you get too deep into investigating anything else.

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Ok will work on it tomorrow . Thanks

A common error is plugging the torch firing wire into the VIM(black plastic box. It doesn’t go there. It gets plugged into the electronics box, that is attached to the table, where it says "torch on/off.

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Problem solved. I found the connector on one of the wires was not making good contact when I pushed it in. Used a different connector and everything is good. Thank you everyone that replied.

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