Torch lifting at pierce

Ha, nope. I left not so subtle clues in my last post and the big hint ended up being in the one where I posted the link to the Ghost in Z Machine video.

I’m not used to leading zeros on inch numbers. So when I saw 06 in the cut height when checking programming parameters on my small laptop screen, I read it as .06, not 0.6

That wasn’t my only issue though. My other issue was that I was referencing a post by George where he posted a picture and later states the direction the swirl ring goes in, only, putting it in the way he describes caused my misfire/delay fire issues. As soon as I switched it around the misfires went away too.

Thanks to everyone that threw me ideas for where to go looking. Although it ended up being an embarrassingly stupid issue, I’m honestly glad it was me and not the machine. I’ve already filed that mistake away in the “do not repeat” bin, where as if the machine was actually to blame I’d have lost some confidence in it.

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Nothing is embarrassing or stupid…it is a learning experiance…

Now you have some great experiance to pass on…