I am a new plasma table owner and this is my first plasma table. I have successfully made my first few parts but have excess bevel’s on the cuts, at least what I would think is excessive for 1/8" mild steel plate. I am using a razorweld 45 and have THC hooked up. I was running at various speeds, all close to 100 in/mn. I have ~75psi of clean air and new tips. I am using Fusion 360 to create the g-codes. I have the torch height set 0.03125 in the last dialog box that pops up but it is still over that when cutting and is beveling wider at the top making think it should be closer. I have watched through a welding mask and visually can confirm it is larger than 0.03125. Is there another way to change the torch height that might be overwriting that 0.03125" height I have set? Any help would be appreciated.
For 8th-in mild steel if you’re running at 45 amps 70 in per minute probably as fast as you want to go
I would set your cut height for .06 and if you’re pierce height for .15
I’m thinking slower instead of closer.
I would check the nozzle hole shape now that you’ve been running it close like that it’s probably gotten quite hot make sure that it’s uniform and round.
Also make sure that you’re work clamp is on the material.
You passed your THC test okay? You know if you’re using smart voltage in fire control.
Fabmn - I too have just set up my table and plasma and have the same issue. The torch height was set at 0.06 in Fusion 360 and with my first cut I would estimate that the torch was actually 0.15 or higher. It took two passes to make a cut through 3/16 mild steel. I look forward to hearing from anyone that has an idea on what is happening.
toolboy - Thanks for the reply, FYI - I just made a new topic so not to duclipcate the information feel free to respond to that one. But the answers to your questions are - I am using a Miller 625 X-treme yes on the pro table with no THC. The air is 125 psi, dried and runs through a new miller air filter. The cut was made with a 40 amp tip and was set at 35 amps on the machine. The speed was 50 IPM and was processed on Fusion 360. The height was visually about 0.15 to 0.25 above the material, I could clearly see the length of the arc when the cut was being made.
we are experiencing the same thing with a Miller 625, THC, Miller machine torch… tried abt everything people recommended with no real changes… did your problem ever get resolved? 1/8 mild steel, 40 amps, 75 psi, 78 ipm, best cut quality (min dross) 0.03 cut height, QCad, SheetCam & FireControl, parts cut good, all the same just a 0.04’ish bevel at the top of the cut…
any help, ideas would be appreciated
Mike K1FNX near Boston