Tools for cleaning up cuts

sounds like my High School moto…

I was thinking more chain and sprocket driven with possibly a friction clutch for easy startup and stopping…

This is the one I have been looking to make for awhile.

My main point was to use a roller drive so you don’t have any unnecessary seams in the tank. It also provides a natural ‘gearing’ rather than trying to drive a center shaft at some specified RPM.

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And you can ‘learn how to weld’ if you build this! :grimacing:

I am already a perfectly fine well self-taught mediocre grinder…ooops…I mean welder…

you know the type…weld once…grind 3 times…

This tape claims to be as strong as weld maybe a good starting point.

pretty gnarly looking welds in that video

I’ve used that tape! It has excellent holding power in tension and sheer, not so good (and that’s a good thing) if you peel it. You actually don’t peel it, you sort of roll it up and it sticks to itself better than anything else and will, therefore, simply peel right off (and is totally useless after that).


I also use it as a gasket on my THC control box. Since it sits right in front of my table, it gets splashed with all kinds of stuff! Still going strong, 2 years later.