Tools and devices I have tried that work

the mainboard gets power from the usb cord so there’s no way around NOT having the computer tethered to the table.

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Here is how Tin describes setting up his system.

But you don’t have to get that complicated. If there was a way to direct the table from wireless means, I would be concerned of chances of lag in the signal. Sometimes you really need that hard connection to eliminate issues.


Since those coupling nuts are out of stock on amazon, these are what I used for my table. Far better material (esp for the threads) than the ones that ship with the table.

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which coupling nuts on the McMasterCarr website? Is it this one:

You’ve chosen the Stainless Couplers, where as @apynickel identified the Steel ones. The Max Torque for the Steel ones is almost 3 times the Stainless, plus the Stainless is almost double the price.

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Those are the ones that I use. Rutland Mfg CLX 4-4-F makes them. McMaster Carr almost always has them in stock.

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thanks yall, purchased!

Making your plasma cutter into a rosebud torch.

Just drill out the nozzle…lol

@mechanic416 if this goes virally you ll have lots of future customers.

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The only think to say is. :person_facepalming:

Yes, torch repair requests. I can imagine the damage that can be done. :grin:

I can see the topic started here:
“I drilled out my nozzle (like you said) and it still doesn’t cut. Am I doing something wrong?”

Note: I do enjoy watching that guy…he is a hoot!


Videos like that make me wish content creators should have to pass a test before doing certain type video.

Like the welding tips channels. They dot and dab acting like they are doing educational videos.

Videos like these run the risk of damaging more than fixing.

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Well now you done gone and spoiled it fer me. I lernt some of my best welding skills from that there guy! :joy:

Perhaps I shoulda/coulda picked a better teacher. :wink:

Honestly, I know what you are saying. I like watching him for entertainment sake. Lots of bad influences out there and skulls full of mush!


That’s not new I have already had people try it. And blame my consumables and wanted me to warranty them. :roll_eyes:


Well, when you are young and poor, you are in a bind and inexperienced.

Who knew you are not suppose to seat a car battery cable on the battery post with a hammer :hammer::crazy_face:

“Honest… I barely put any pressure while I attached the cable. Did I spread the clamp out to get it sized to fit? Why, of course I did!”

That was a good hint for the second battery… I tell you right there. Would have been helpful for the first one. :man_facepalming:


Don’t send @toolboy over to his channel. I watched some of his other plasma related videos. He recommended using 2 seconds for post flow on thinner material… or post time as he called it.

My personal favorite.

“One thing I like about these machines you can basically use any torch that is pilot arc. They are interchangeable.”

Also “running” a 60 amp machine… and air compressor on a 16 amp circuit. It was painful watching him trying to cut 20 mm steel. He is entertaining tho.


Are you making fun of my uncle???..
them is feuding words!!!


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Got the latest additions to the shop all wired in and everything is working great.


I love that sander. I wish I had the room for one.

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