Titanium Plasma 65 CPC port

My OCD is starting to take over and I’m not in love with passing wires through vents in my HFT Titanium Plasma 65 case to access the raw voltage for THC.

Not only would it be a cleaner setup, but I’ve a CNC torch dedicated to the Crossfire and the only thing keeping the cutter from being “mobile” would be the hardwired THC leads.

I’d rather rewire the CPC port and go that route so I can disconnect cleanly from the Crossfire and use the cutter with the hand torch elsewhere.

Plan A is pick a set of resistors and build a 50:1 voltage divider between the torch and work clamp leads. I’d remove the 20:1 wiring from the CPC pins and tap into the voltage divider to match the Hypertherm pinout (reverse signal polarity compared to HFT).

Plan B is build the resistors into the harness from the CPC to the Crossfire. This would be a secondary voltage divider to scale the 20:1 signal down to 50:1. Will need to study the welder’s signal circuit a bit more to see if/how that would work.

If the DIY voltage dividers are ill advised I’ve a plan C…

It involves reconnecting said signal pins straight to the torch and work clamp lugs and sending the raw voltage through the CPC signal pins. I’m hesitant to run raw voltage through the pins on that connector.

Any input is greatly appreciated.


You could run RV to the CNC port. There is voltage but very little amps. It should work just fine.


I also have OCD. In my opinion, it’s best to directly wire the leads to the torch and the work cable lugs. Using resistors and controlling the wires inside the device is not advisable. I have extensive experience with this topic, having spent many years and typed tens of thousands of words in related threads about it. Just remove the cover and proceed with the wiring. You’ll be able to start cutting beautiful signs in just a few minutes.


This seems to be one of the better threads with discussion of wiring the Titanium 65:

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It’s where I started, but it felt like that thread just resorted to installing raw voltage leads through the case vents.

I wanted to dive more into keeping the CNC connections isolated to the CPC. If that’s discussed there in length I missed it - please let me know.

I totally understand. You are correct. That thread does focus on the RV (Raw Voltage) method. If you are successful with the CPC connections report back. Most people find less problems with the RV method even when they have the CPC connections available (electronic sensing with the THC is far more reliable).


I don’t see what the big deal is. You have to remove the case then disconnect the wires from pins 5 and 6. Run a red wire from the positive/work cable connector to pin 6 and run a black wire from the negative/torch connector to pin 5. Install the cover back on the plasma cutter then use your CNC connector pins 5 and 6 for Raw Voltage. No wires coming out of the vents.


No issue there, and that’s my plan; RV via CPC pins 5&6.

Original concern was with how close those wires would be in the CPC.

I should have noticed this one earlier:

If there’s no risk of melting the CPC port with an arc fault between the RV taps then plans A and B are both trivial.

I’m waiting on parts and enough free time to execute Plan C. I will send word once I have progress to report.