THC - TD Cutmaster 42

Just wanted to follow up since I had a few minutes to run some tests today.

For reference the sheet from the last job that I ran using smart voltage was still on the table so I had no setup that had to be done for these tests.

I created a 8" by 2" rectangle to use for the test and posted to the machine with the same settings as before (16ga steel, 35amps, 125 IPM, .175 pierce, .125 cut height)

I ran three cuts with THC off and the leads plugged into a multimeter to check voltage.
All three ran ~100-108Volts (Sheet has some warping)

I hooked the two wires back up to the THC module and ran 6 more cuts with THC on set @ 100V. THC functioned perfectly and the read out in FireControl was spot on.

The good news is these test went well, the bad news is I have no idea what the “fix” was. I will continue to monitor as I keep running it but I am open to any speculation at this point.
