THC not allowing cut

Hynade-cut 60
Every time I initiate the cut, it pierces but shuts off immediately and shows these codes. I have checked everything it suggests and all is correct. This is the first project on this machine, so maybe I need to adjust something but not sure what. It shows one of two codes, second code in comments.

Could be a number of things. What material are you cutting and settings?

1/8th inch steel. 40 amps. 40 psi 50inches/min

how long is your pierce delay? Make sure your torch holder isn’t to tight restricting the electrode from moving.

40 PSI is not enough to fire the torch. You should have at least 55-65 PSI when the air is flowing, which means a higher static pressure. I don’t know if the Hynade has an air flow check button, but the pressure should be set with air flowing.

Did you check to see if the THC is registering voltage? If you have the polarity reversed on the wires, it will read Zero volts and throw the voltage lost error. Try turning off the THC and see if it cuts without the THC. (The IHS system will still probe the torch down and set the correct heights without the THC on)

Unrelated to your torch firing issue, 50 IPM is way too slow for 1/8" steel at 40 amps. The speed should be closer to 100 IPM.


I typically get these errors when I forget to attach the work clamp. Are you connecting it directly to the work piece? Also as pointed out by others your pierce delay setting would be helpful and on my machine for that steel I would run 55psi, .8 pierce delay, 90 in per minute at 40 amps. You should have a cut chart for your plasma cutter to look up these numbers for different materials.

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