THC Firmware 1.10?

Is there a new updated THC firmware that hasn’t been posted? I saw on Facebook someone posted a pic on another topic but noticed the THC in his computer said V1.10


This is actually going to go live today along with FireControl 20.6. You will be able to update to it via Firmware Update in FireControl.

LS-THC 1.10 is algorithmically the same as 1.09 but it splits Arc Voltage Lost errors into 3 different errors with different remedies in an effort to offer better feedback to users. FC 20.6 also includes a ‘THC Voltage Health Test’ that will help troubleshoot THC issues you may be having as well as communicate them with our team easier.


Hopefully 20.6 also fixed the arc lost error after every pause… kinda of annoying but at least it’ll let you start from last loop.

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