Two things come to mind:
The lead screws could have gotten some crude, corrosion (z-axis) and need lubrication. I kept having really incredible loud sounds and since the gantry was stopping, I assumed an issue with the x or y lead screws. I kept spraying them with more and more lubrication. Sometimes it seemed to help, other times it made it worse. Turned out it was not connected to what I was doing. It was the z-axis. A little squirt of WD-40 and everything was happy again.
If you haven’t used it for awhile you might have things set up a bit different than before: there could be a possibility of having some EMI issues. I would check the torch cable, work lead and the USB cable from the computer to the enclosure for loops and near-influence with each other. Uncoil the cables. If using a laptop, run off the battery if possible.
If you have recently gotten a different computer or even if it is the same one, look and see if the processor has this: