This just happened to me over lunch. I have never seen this particular problem before… although I have certainly encountered other repeatable problems with cut control 22.1.
The machine had been off since yesterday when the gantry was moved to record a video (not posted yet) about a different cut control problem.This is incredibly strange. The steppers are skipping… it sounds like both the X and Y axis (I should have pulled the cables to confirm) but it only happens when homing. Otherwise, the machine is able to jog in all 3 axis. Has anyone seen this before?
Is there a way to get cutcontrol to show a live feed of the com port with ascii decode? It would be very useful to see what m/g codes are being ssent.
I managed to eventually get the machine to home by power cycling the electronics AND force killing cut control. Unfortunately, cut control then promptly froze again trying to find the touch probe offset on the tool setter. The stepper motor started skipping again trying to home after force killing cut control. I managed to get it loose but resetting and driving the z down a few thou… But the ruby stylus tip exploded in the process.
Jogging the machine around, the z limit switch has now stopped working completely. It looks like one of the terminals may have come loose. Will investigate it tomorrow.
FYI, I had a problem with one of my Y-axis steppers skipping/losing steps if I tried to send it to front immediately after homing. The problem was being caused by one of my limit switches (I had been damaged). Once I changed/replaced my switches I haven’t had anymore stepper skipping problems on the Y-axis.
you see to have a lot of crashes. are you using the computer they sold? or one you brought?
It is an Intel NUC. Windows 10 has never crashed. The issues are only with cut control and are reproducible. I just started another forum topic with a video of a different bug which anyone should be able to reproduce.
It appears that the Z-axis limit switch is most likely defective, which is causing the homing to fail. The Z-axis limit switch never opening (it is an NC switch) is triggering the above bug in cut control.
i only ask as on my other cncs, i would have crashes that came down to the computer running random things in the background. so on new computers i would do a fresh clean install and remove any extra software, autoupdates, anything that could start running in the background