SOLVED - No Connection in FireControl

Could someone on this forum assist me in fixing the issue i am having with my CNC? I have traded multiple Emails with Langmuir tech support who refuse to call me and help me out.

The problem is that after I did the newest update my computer recognizes the CNC computer but FireControl will not connect. I have removed all programs and reinstalled the version Tech Support sent me as well as loaded the drivers in the order that tech support recommended.

Langmuir tech support can’t seem to figure it out and as they are unwilling to call me and help me I am askiing anyone for help.

My CNC has not worked for a week now and I can’t afford to loose any more money.

thanks to anyone willing to help.

Welcome to The forum.

On the langmuir systems electronics enclosure does the green light come on around where the USB is plugged into it?

Have you tried any other USB ports?

Do you think you may be having a USB driver issue?

Sometimes they’re bad USB port a bad driver for the USB or a bad cable can cause some of these issues?

What version of fire controller are you currently using?

What operating system are you running on your computer?

I’m just going to tag a few of the langmuir people here just to further alert them to your issue.
@langmuir-daniel @langmuir-aksel @langmuirsystems

This seems really out of character for any interaction I’ve ever had with them.

On the langmuir systems electronics enclosure does the green light come on around where the USB is plugged into it?

Have you tried any other USB ports?
-I have tried all of them (4ea)

Do you think you may be having a USB driver issue?
-I did all the updates available and the USB ports worked fine until the Langmuir update

Sometimes they’re bad USB port a bad driver for the USB or a bad cable can cause some of these issues?
-I tried two other cables and it still wouldn’t work. My computer sees and recognizes the CNC and according to tech support it is not a USB issue.

What version of fire controller are you currently using?
-Per tech Support, I uninstalled the newest one and progressively loaded them, tried to get them to connect and when they wouldn’t loaded the next higher version all do not connect.

What operating system are you running on your computer?
-I have always operated Windows 10 with no issues until the lastest update.

fire control boots up and your USB cable is sending at least power to the electronic enclosure.( The green light confirms this)

you’re missing the data signal from the electronics closure to/ from your computer?

At that point it’s not connecting to fire control and not allowing you to load a program or move the torch around with the arrow keys? Correct?

Is this how your problems presenting itself?

Do you have another laptop kicking around you can load fire control on and see if it connects? At least this would let you know if the problems with the enclosure or the problems with your PC s software.

At that point it’s not connecting to fire control and not allowing you to load a program or move the torch around with the arrow keys? Correct?

Is this how your problems presenting itself?

Do you have another laptop kicking around you can load fire control on and see if it connects?
-Yes. I will give it a try.

At least this would let you know if the problems with the enclosure or the problems with your PC s software.

Can you post a screenshot of the Ports (COM and LPT) drop down from your Windows Device Manager? If you also have THC, you should see two items there.

Just to confirm, you’ve tried re-installing 20.6.2 and still cannot connect?

Thank you TinWhisperer…I used my wife’s Laptop and loaded the FireControl and it worked. I am now however now in trouble with the wife as her laptop is super expensive and I didn’t get it back in the house before I got caught. I know need help getting my Panasonic Toughbook back up and running with FireControl. Any hints? It sees the CNC but FireControl won’t connect.



Not sure what LPT is…?..?

Hmm- seems like there may be something device-related going on. Can you install v20.6.2 from our downloads page and try connecting?

You’re welcome.
I’m going to leave you in the langmuir’s hands, now that they’re on it.

Hit me up again with a @TinWhisperer if you need anything.

I have on both my wife’s computer which worked and the Toughbook which didn’t. I have been using the toughbook since I have had the CNC and it has worked great…until recently. FireControl quit connecting after the update and even tough I have uninstalled everything, restarted, then reinstalled from your web site FirControl will still not connect.

It sounds like there is something else going on other than the FireControl software update. Has anything else changed in your system in this time? Are you using any other devices with this computer? We don’t often see so many Bluetooth adapters. The fact that it works with the other computer indicates that its likely not an issue with the electronics.

With the MCB and THC units connected to the computer, you should see this in the Device manager in Ports:

I see neither of these in your screenshot. Do you see USB Serial Device (the MCB) anywhere in the Device Manager? potentially in Universal Serial Bus Controllers?

Thanks to everyone for your help. The answer to the problem was to uninstall “all” the USB drivers/controllers on my computer and reinstall them. Apparently, this is all that needed to be done so in the future, if you hear of anyone with the same issue, have them try that first.

Thanks again.


I have happened upon this same issue as of yesterday, I had no issues prior to yesterday. I have also logged a ticket with support today.

I have tried several things including uninstalling FireControl and installing prior versions, but have not uninstalled the USB drivers on my laptop. I don’t have an extra laptop to try unfortunately. I am running Windows 10 and have the latest 21.1.4 version of FireControl. It isn’t a cable issue, I ruled that out.

There is power to the table as the green light comes on and I can hear sounds coming from the table. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks for the support!