I have made a couple of manual bends and now I am trying to use the sample bend that was installed in bend control.
I have changed a few things and now trying to run it.
Here are my steps
Go to run tab
Go to bottom of screen and select run program
Gives me the “do you want to proceed” screen
Select yes
Backguage goes to its position
I push the “safety palm buttons” and nothing happens
At this point I can not cancel the program. Cancel button is greyed out. Only way I can start over is to hit “kill hyd power”
This is the same problem I am having tonight. I created two bends for my programs. Bend 1 works fine, but my Bend 2 - which was duplicated from Bend 1 locks everything up until I have to kill the hydraulics. You mention toggling off the “Use Backgauge Move” - what if you want to use the back gauge. Seems like another bug in the software - I just don’t know why one of my bends work and the other doesn’t. Did you make any progress on this problem since you posted this?
@langmuir-jake Can help you, (Sam is gone until Monday)they have a software update. I have not installed it yet, so I’m not sure if it helps or not. There are some other things all related to the back gauge they are working on.
I made some bends and just set the back manually. But I have also had problems canceling while in the backgage menu. I’m not reporting anything until I get the update installed.
Thanks for your response. I talked with Sam today and installed the beta version of the update. Still quite a few bugs to work out. I found the problem with my bend. The back gauge was initially set to 0.941”, which is where I needed it to be to get the bend I needed. It didn’t like that - so I raised the value because I knew that 1.19” worked. I found the threshold to be 0.96”. I got it to work when I set the back gauge to 0.96”. Very strange. I could live with the difference in values, so I changed the dwell time to 0 sec and the retract back gauge to 0 to speed things up. Then I got the same locking up problem. So I changed those back and it ran through the program nicely. Hopefully it doesn’t take them too long to get these bugs sorted out. Thanks again!
I see there is a spot to update backgage software and a different spot for bendcontrol.
I was sent Bendcontrol.jar is this supposed to be used to update backgauge or bendcontrol itself?
and is this going to take care of issues with the backgauge?
This is an overall update to BendControl that has helped some customers with their back gauge issues. I’m not sure if we have a specific back gauge update at this time but I’ll look into it.
I also want to mention that this update is the latest beta version of BendControl so it might have a few bugs that we’re still working through. Overall it solves most of the major problems that users are seeing but keep an eye out for little things that come up. If you see any bugs in the update, definitely let us know so we can squash them.
It won’t let me update the file. It keeps saying there is no internet connection even though it is connected to a 1 gig stream. It is probably a sign from GOD because my machine is working.
I am. I downloaded the file and expanded it, and moved it to a flash drive. When I plug it in and push the update button I get the (no connection to the error).
It is connected to Internet…
I will publish pictures of the error message tomorrow.
The problem is that mine is connected to the Internet via wifi. Jake is investigating the issue.
I am unsure of the benefits of being connected to wifi when it is not used. Maybe we can work on a desktop and transfer files in the future. But for now, it’s probably just for them to connect. I don’t know at this point.
I got it to upload. Here are the directions: Go to the settings screen. On the bottom left is the BendControl update button. Install the USB with the BendControl Jar. Files. Make sure you expand them before you download them to the USB drive. Insert the USB and pick the new bendControl files from the screen. Scroll down to the Bendcontrol jar file in the latest download. There will be 50 files to choose from. Pick the bendControl jar file and push enter. Make sure you use a USB drive that is at least 64 MB.
Please confirm this with Langmuir before you do it. I may have missed a step. I emailed @langmuir-jake on the subject, and hopefully, they will post a flowchart with their version of this update procedure.
I was able to get it to the point it says it had been updated and needed a full restart. Now loading, been that way over an hour. Not sure how long it should take but normally is ready to go in a few minutes