It’s been awhile, still in goat shed due to the kung flu…plan to break ground in March, not looking forward to sorting 22 years of shit and moving it BUT…I will have a shop that i don’t have spend hours tearing down and resetting depending on project.
it is way too tight in there, have had a few issues that required low crawling, spider killer all while upside down and beerless due to…well the issues with low crawling and killing spiders
radiator works great, no issues
desiccant tube froze and broke, apparently -5* is not good for them
water tray is still not leaking even after multiple freezes etc.
air compressors have been fine for my use, hooking each magnetic switch up to separate 220v leg and using both preire switches wired together(since they plumbed together as basically on is great.
damn I hate how loud the compressors are running inside is double earplugs only
Hope all is well
See ya’lls
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Okay guys and gals… crap no picture on phone.
The goat shed now has a secondary operation area… yup powder coat oven!!!
Ya’ll are like “GunTruck1776 , your full of”…well I can attest I am not…posting from the throne
So, I made room by removing the stupid tool box, computer thingy…and yeah it was stupid…
TThiss how much crap can gather in and on a toolbox
So I removed the black box and replaced it with this…[no pictures, OP is idiot]
Will try to post in next few days…here’s a couple 1st projects
So…an absolute mess still…
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So…this sucks, gotta be on my knees outside the goat shed to load the parts…1 tap on anything And powder comes off…wop, wop…wop
So…this only has to work for 2 more months…
Drive on little feller and learn how to powder coat
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So actually attempted to work this afternoon, 4hrs and this was results.
All cut cut on table, all powdercoated and used alien tape to attach different color pcs…
Im beat stupid tired and need another 50amp receptacle so i can run oven and plasma…atleast that doesn’t take alot of space
Lets set what tomorrow brings
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Well, definitely need to work on flow…this week after work i just cut, today will be cleanup, welding and painting stuff…oops wrong thread