looking for ideas to make a sign bracket that will go on the back of a sign so customers can mount them to a wall. just looking for ideas. picture is an example of a sign i sell. i am also looking to cut cost to customers if they want a mounting bracket, so a bracket that looks good and i wont have to weld on.
What about tiny hole in top of hockey stick and do the name and numbers vertical.
To do name and numbers make a line near top and keep offsetting that line down and do you letter or number on the line. I can do quick video later if this is something you want to consider
If you want to stick with horizontal you can just use 3m double sided tape on few spots.
Thanks for your reply. The 3m is what most of my customers. I do have others who want a bracket on the back side because they dont want to see the screws. When i do the holes i counter sink them and recommend dry wall screws so its black on black. Its only 14 gauge so weight is not an issue. Thanks for the ideas.
Combination of one keyhole and one sawtooth wall hanger.
I posted standoff keyhole for lighted signs on fileshare. You’ll have to change size of course to work for your design. GL and cool sign idea!
That would be a easy way to do it, they are are cheap and can attach with epoxy or 2 sided tape.
I make mine and either tack-on or use threaded bolt from my stud gun if using on big sign. Normally design for sign size. I think someone else posted sawtooth on fileshare years ago.
Maybe some type of French cleat would work on this one if you are trying to hide it.
Here is an example of a French-Canadian cleat.
I have used JB Weld two part epoxy.
I have seen videos of people building spot welders from microwave xfmr.
double sidded tape…holes for screws…here is a cool mounting system for stuff…
Those look nice. Do they have your seal of approval?
Sold those are perfect!
So if I put 4 of those in to drywall I can hang a sign that weighs 300 lbs right? Did I do the math right?
One question … What doesn’t? No offense to anyone from CA… But we’ll you know.
These are interesting…might have to make a couple different designs and see how they work. I laughed at the invisible name. I do like the crown shape design because a ball joint design might tilt if only using 1 or 2.
I think one thing people have to remember is, your customer is the one that is going to hang this.
Are they savvy enough to get things lined up properly? I am all for the sawtooth design for the hockey stick. I don’t see the need to over complicate it for the customer.
“So if I put 4 of those in to drywall I can hang a sign that weighs 300 lbs right? Did I do the math right?”
I think the follow up question also is if it fails, will someone fly over from, uh, you know where, to investigate why their sales claim was flawed?