is it possible to load copperplate letter program in to sheet cam program (program by
(text program)
A new Font gets installed into your Operating System and then can be used by any CAD/Text program that uses Fonts.
I can’t say I’ve ever spent $30 for a Font though.
Sheetcam is not a design program. You would be better off using those fonts in your design program. As already mentioned, fonts get installed in the computer and then they can be used in programs.
Sheatcam has a basic text program in it .very easy and user friendly, just the fonts are not the best,for plasma , it would cut down the steps in making simple sighns
It appears SheetCam only supports SHX fonts which are much simpler than True Type Fonts. I don’t think you can get the type of font you want to work directly in SheetCam. However, you COULD use Inkscape to make the text using any font installed on your system and then export it as an SVG file and import that into SheetCam as a Part.
You might like this idea. Craig shows you how to bridge your own fonts and save them to your computer.
The development version of SheetCam can handle TrueType fonts. The dev version installs independently of the stable version so you can have both on your computer at the same time. You will need to install your license in it but that is acceptable as long as it is on the same computer.
I wouldn’t recommend a Development version for a newbie. For one thing, he won’t find any support on this forum (unless you’ve got a lot of time on your hands For another, those could have problems that would make the learning curve that much more difficult and frustrating.
It’s good to hear that this addition is coming, but newbies should stick to stable versions.
That’s pretty much why I suggested having both. If he hits a problem with dev he can go back to stable. Dev should be pretty solid these days. In the next few months it will become the next stable.