Scaling in Fusion

Is there a way to scale up or down an already drawn file?

Right click and select scale. The pop-up allows for the entry of a % value that the drawing will scale to.

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Im not seeing scale anywhere

Lots of info here. I’ve linked a few relevant posts to explain the typical issues.


What I’m looking for is a good % percentage to scale that is going to allow you to scale the picture when you take it over to fire control. Every time I size my image in fusion 360 it’s never the same in fire control and I always have to play with the scale

I am not sure if this helps, but this is a simple example:
Select your item and then pick Sketch Scale under “Modify”

It will then come up with this image that has ALL points included. You will need to deselect a point to be your reference for scaling (resizing from that point - it really makes no difference what point if it is the only image in your sketch).

I will click on the center to deselect it so it is available to select as the reference point:

Now click on the “Point” option and click on the center of the circle. It will now show “1 selected”. Click Okay and this menu shows up:
Scale factor is “percentage” as “2” would double or 200% size of the image. “0.5” would be 50% of your image.

You will need to rescale your image before you go to manufacturing. Manufacturing needs to have the image the size you are intending before you take it to FireControl.

In FireControl, you can resize an image with “Scale and Rotate.” You might try that.


Most of the time I select a single “point” on drawing and then go select the design I’m trying to scale. This order seems to work better for me and might be why so many people have trouble resizing.

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That’s probably due to the way you’re importing it into Sheetcam if you’re using DXF as the format. DXF doesn’t always contain the unit of measure data so you have to tell the importing program whether it should be 1:1 or 25:1 depending on your use of imperial or metric measurement systems in the creating and importing applications.


What if it’s SVG file ?