Saving files to my PC

I am brand new at all of this. So new I’ve ordered and waiting on my crossfire table. I’m learning or trying to learn Fusion 360 and did my first project last night but when I tried to save it it saved to Fusion and not to my PC My question is how do I save my work exclusively to my PC ? Thanks I’m advance

Fusion 360 is cloud-based so is no exclusively having your files on your computer. But you can make a copy.

If you want a copy of your design file export a *.f3d and save it wherever you desire in your file structure.

Check out the link to it is a screenshot walk through to export a *.f3d

@Jmen welcome to the forums

*@jmen just realized I had the wrong link posted. I put the right link in now.

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Welcome to the forum.

This may help you if you want occasional offline usage,

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