I have the Razorweld 45 with X45 torch… What speed IPM. Do you guys use for 1/4 steel. And how do you cure that bevel on cuts…
nice clean cut…but that does not look like a speed issue…
if the left side of your picture is the bottom with dross then your torch is too high…
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Torch height may be to high. Consumables may be bad. This is common with a hand torch getting it adjusted completely straight is hard.
Look at my post … I think get torch straight in holder first… Then maybe slow to 35 IPM to see what happens just cut a short line… To see what happens… Would do on mine but I have double gantry… Trying to see if its your single gantry… Mechanic416 doesnt know we bored out holder… And made torch straight… Our secret !!! I will look at mine too…
I did some nice cuts on 1/4 but ran 20 ipm