Random misfire with Hyp xp45 torch

Its only running in pilot arc mode (3 seconds then it goes out). Needs the work clamp put on the work piece to get a cut arc transfer.


The responders in here seem to be accurate, your gound is not making contact, grind a shiny spot on one corner of the piece and attach the wired jaw of your clamp on that. The dumb leg of your clamp will be under water.
The next thing to look at is maybe a piece of slag is redirecting your cone of fire or the consumables are worn out.

Good luck

Again once you can get it to cut, check your pierce delay and cut speed. One other thing. your machine will have a button on front that changes from machine mode to gouge mode. Make sure the machine mode is lit, it will be the top green light of the two. Iv made the mistake of keeping it on gouge mode when Im cutting via machine, cuts were really bad. Glad I figured out what the problem was.

Well, duh, I didn’t notice that the plate I was cutting had the plastic coating on the bottom side. Many of you figured out this poor ground condition and nailed it.
Thanks to all of you who wrote about this.