Problem Importing CutControl Post Into Fusion 360

New to fusion and new to Machining. I have my design made and now getting the manufacturing toolpaths done

I followed the Instructions on the website. downloaded the CutControl Fusion 360 Post then when I click on NC Program in Fusion and the little folder icon I am not able to find the post file to load. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Click Import in the post library window and you should be able to find it in file explorer window.

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I don’t have the MR-1 but looking at the downloads, it is possible that you might be downloading the wrong post processor. Perhaps it is this one you need (maybe that is the one you have):

If you have that one, you can make sure it is the correct one on the post processing screen:

(Ignore that this is loading the plasma cutting post processor).


Great thank you all, I was able to get it done! haha steep learning curve but getting there in time :slightly_smiling_face:

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Any tips for those following in your footsteps??

Remember, we all had problems in one way or another when we started with our machines.