Just wanted to let you guys know of a problem with my combo.
Pro table,
Everlast 62i
PTM-60 torch
LS machine torch holder
The thumb nut for attaching the torch holder to the z-axis interferes with the torch body.
I’m going to use grinder to make the thumb screw overall diameter smaller to get this table running with the machine torch holder.
Had no interference with the hand torch holder and machine torch.
Pics show how machine torch mount moves torch closer to z axis center line, creating the interference.
Mine too but I switched to a stainless hex cap screw. Works fine. For a machine torch you don’t really need to be taking it off a lot so the thumbscrew doesn’t help much. The machine torch let’s you change consumables with the torch mounted so you don’t need to take it off. With a hand torch you would so it’s a little easier with the thumbscrew.
Yep no biggie, and not really a complaint just a heads up. A few seconds with the grinder and drill and done.
Hey all, these are supposed to be shipped with a spare 1/4-20 socket screw to replace the thumb screw. Let me know if that’s not the case and I’ll talk to the employee packing these up.
Nope not with mine. I had an extra from another project. I like the hex socket head screws & Home Depot & Lowes have tons of sizes.
Nope two screws to attach bracket to vertical piece, and 4 screws for the two clamps.
Thanks for the heads up. I’ll get this corrected tomorrow.
March 26, 2020, 3:27am
fyi, i ordered the machine torch holder last week and received it on monday and didn’t have the extra screw.
Same here, got my machine torch mount last week and I didn’t get the extra screw. I can’t mount my torch.
@langmuir-daniel , @langmuir-mike
No extra screw with my machine torch mount either.
March 26, 2020, 8:07pm
when did you purchase yours?
The day then posted on the website for sale.
I got the bolt with mine. I ordered it the day it was released
Nope, not with mine. I ordered this from Amazon to replace it. Smaller head diameter, same functionality:
300 Series Stainless Steel Thumb Screw, Plain Finish, Knurled Head, Oversized Head, 3/4" Length, Fully Threaded, 1/4"-20 UNC Threads, Made in US