Price jump for the Crossfire Pro

I think 2018 was worse I’d have to check records but basically the same.
I get a order every week and the last two weeks they have started to come down so hopefully that continues.

I went back and checked again. The $500 stuff was alloy steel. Picked the wrong option. Only $175-195 for a 3x4 sheet depending on hot rolled vs cold rolled common sheet (A06).

Still up a couple hundred percent over a year and half ago.

Inflation is heating up after all the money printing. The dollar is losing purchasing power. I’m buying everything I think can generate money or even a trade for some other commodity I might need when the SHTF.

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It’s not inflation at hand right now. It’s supply chain shortages, shipping costs from Asia all time high, tariffs did not work as planned. Watch CNBC and you’ll get the daily run down what’s happening. CNN, Fox and others are not ideal for financial news since they just want headlines.

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My financial opinions result from reading books like “The coming economic earthquake” and “The Creature from Jekyll Island” I don’t pay any attention to the talking heads at any mainstream corporate news businesses, especially the big three networks.

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Good point about the email. I said email because I’m registered and assumed a lot of “lookers” would be as well. Of course, they could have posted a “warning” on the website.

Are you sure about that? Right on the home page there’s an option to enter your email address to receive updates. I have lots of emails from them and I’ve never bought a CNC from them.

I really don’t care about the price increase…it’s still cheap by any measure and I can’t imagine how they can make money even at $3K. I’ve run a small business and if you have 4 or 5 people around, making $70K each fully loaded, it takes a LOT of profit just to cover labor alone. Never mind all the other costs necessary to run a business.

I have a bunch of parts laying around to build a Joe’s Evolution. Even so, counting my time and aggravation, I still couldn’t buy the additional parts to finish that CNC cheaper than just buying a CF Pro. So, I’m referring to how the price increase was handled and the fact it was a missed opportunity for them. If you need to increase prices, tell your customers it’s coming and, even better, tell them why it’s necessary. It’s amazing how understanding people can be if you share a little information with them. Since there’s always a lot of people on the fence with a large discretionary purchase like this, a price increase can even be a stimulant to increase sales if done right.

They make money just like every other manufacture, make a product,make a deal with overseas manufacturer and buy in bulk. Pay the overseas manufacturer $1200 per unit sell for $3000 and shipping is cheap when there is a port close to there location and use the end user for assembly.
I have a friend that does the exact same thing he purchases sawmills in bulk from china for $1400 plus $130 for shipping and resells for $3495. So for some emails and phone calls which he does in his spare time and using free marketing through market place and a couple others hes just the middle man dealing with importing and reselling at a good profit.

In no way talking shit about langmuir I think they have a great business model and are doing more work then others offer and still keeping prices down and I have no idea of there actual numbers I was just using my buddys numbers as a example.

Ok, so I haven’t really followed the price steps since I got mine, ( I was in batch 1). I seem to remember, though, the page saying, way back when, something about “Pre-orders” and Batch 1 costing $X dollars, Batch 2 costing $X+250 or whatever, batch 3, $X +500, (again, a guess at the number), and then “Production” at $Y. So, is the “Price Jump” in line with that and all the discussion about Global prices/shortages/COVID off track? FWIW, I was never on the fence. I wanted a Crossfire and the price was right but they announced the Pro the day I went online to order the OG. So I lept at that, never looked back.

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Lets just blame it on the Covid!
A sheet of 4’x8’ 10ga was $105.00 3 months ago and is now at $135.00. (Elkhart Steel, In.)
We are still getting a good deal from Langmuir, but if you are walking the fence and miss out on a discount don’t blame anyone…
I kinda agree with @marrt. They can post something on the Forum when the price is going to increase. I was looking for a CNC plasma cutter, ran across the Langmuir site, saw the Pro, and ordered it a couple of days later. Batch 2 pre order…

I’m late to the party but needless to say the main reasons are but not limited to:
#1 Covid-19
#2 High demand.
#3 High cost of materials due to Trump imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum.

I just got a bunch of 4x8 sheets of 16G for $55ea., $1.73/sqft. 6 months ago it was ~3.75/sqft. Was a pleasant surprise when they dropped the bill off