Park Bench, Sitting Bench . Any Ideas?

We are looking at making 6 park benches. looking for ideas the would involve the plasma table for some of the parts.

Here is a drawing of a bench of the same rough dimensions we want. these measurement where taken from a bench at the local park . The bench does not need to look like this but it need to be about the same size.



Any ideas or Designs out there? I would appreciate it .


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I look around on Etsy a lot for ideas. I remembered seeing a few files for benches.

Several more on there also.


Here is a another design. I like the reduced number of parts and I could make the arm rests on the titan.

May have arms or not


A tall back version with some gussets


I like the taller back. Now I want one that rocks on a spring. :man_shrugging:

Seriously…that would be soooo cool.


Wish I could add more, as my experience was with stuff we bent or cast at my other fab shop -

But I did help a Langmuir owner from the FB group out of Honduras and he’s been knocking out benches every other week.

He just gets logo’s for soccer teams out there and more and uses those to make his benches. He was never good at taking pics to show me his work, but here are some bad screenshots of videos he’d send me of working getting done -

Until he finally created an online store, here’s a few pics -

He uses mahogany for all his wood work.

Funny to think, I helped make a lot of those DXF files for him lol glad he picked it up and he’s doing it all on his own


A simple version with logo able panels. very much like what @Kwikfab posted

Bench 2x2 square tube with quater panels v1 short 2


I know there are lots of drainage holes in this last one but the tendency for water cohesion, perhaps a subtle angle to the seat might clear the water quicker.

The first one of five is ready to powder

Edit. For some reason in the y direction I’m losing just under an eighth of an inch in 70 in. I’m not sure quite why yet does anyone have any idears.


That’s what you was puckering up cutting all the aluminum?

Looks amazing!


Yes. Aluminum can be a little flaky at the best of times but when it’s an artsy panel like this and you’re into your feed optimization all the time so your THC is cut off for a lot of the time it can get super hairy. I find I go through quite a few nozzles. All it takes is one flake of aluminum getting stuck near the outlet of the nozzle and then have it run for a little while to off round the nozzle hole


That is some high dollar benches. They should last a long time.


Do you think there is a bit of wear on the lead nut?

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Lead nut? I am running a XR , ball screws. could be wear?


You know, I knew that as I typed it but it is like driving in the snow and you get your front tire too close to the ditch. You know what you are doing is wrong but you think “I just might get away with it this time.”

But nope, I am in the ditch! :man_shrugging:

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Story of my Life

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They look great, but they will translate into someone scoring quite a bit of meth pretty quickly if they really are used as park benches. :grimacing:


Should be safe!

I see mounting holes at the feet.

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Lol. Would you be pretty unlikely in this area.

And we can always build for the city more.


My business partner getting it done. A little bit of TIG welding here, a little bit of Pulse mig there.

This is bench two and three out of five. Maybe six we’re still in negotiation