Noobiest of all currious how you would cut a design in a 48 inch buzz saw blade

Ok so you gathered i have a 48 inch saw blade. And a noob again. I havnt cut anything since last October . My question is , when i design something to cut out of it… Some text and maybe a something else in the middle. Should I start with a 48 inch + a smiget, square with the 48 inch circle in it to represent the saw blade? Using lower left as zero . Everything should be in a 30 inch ish circle so fitting on the Pro should work. So if i put a 30 inch circle ( or somewhere around that. Depending on what I do. Put my text around that 30ish inch circle then delete that circle and the 48 inch circle or just not have a cut profile for the circles and outside square? I just dont want to ruin what took me a year to find. Thanks in advance and I have tough skin so let me know .Seems if i delete the outside square I wont have the zero im after…

If you’re designing this in fusion 360 when you are making your setup in the manufacturing space.
In the dialog box it gives you the opportunity to select your box point which is the same as origin point in fire control.
Myself I would try to index it from the center.
And when you’re laying out your texts in the design space start with a polygon or something that has a constrained center. This constrained center can be your box point later on.

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Thank you for the Info and ideas. Apriciate it.

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