Newbie Owner of Crossfire Pro

I have the crossfire pro machine. I bought it about 6 months ago along with the Hypertherm 45XP and machine torch. I also purchased the license for SheetCam and installed it on a dedicated laptop computer that I bought just for use on this plasma machine. I had the machine assembled shortly after delivery and it has sat in my shop collecting dust ever since as I have absolutely no clue how to go about cutting anything with it. I’ve stared at SheetCam quite a bit but haven’t figured out yet how to get my DXF files into it or how to go about making those files into something the plasma control can read. I’m also thinking that I need to set up some machine parameters somewhere in SheetCam?? If someone has a cheat sheet for that would be great. I have some parts drawn that I would like to cut from 3/16" and 1/4" mild steel and I’m figuring on using the 45 amp nozzles that came with the machine.
Any help would be much appreciated, as I am completely lost as to how to do any of this.

PS: Years ago I ran a much more commercial plasma machine and the cut files came from a program called ProNest, so I’m somewhat familiar with plasma cutting but just with not this machine or software.

@Rocky34601 welcome to the forum! Lets get you cutting!

There are 3 things you need to get your part from an idea in your head to your table.

1: CAD program. This is the design program you draw the actual part. There are several options out there. I use fusion 360. Allot of guys have had good success with QCAD. It is a free open source CAD program.

2: CAM software: The CAM software reads your CAD output (DXF SVG ect.) and creates the tool path. There are two options that are supported by Langmuir for CAM. Sheetcam and Fuision 360. Since you bought the Sheetcam license let’s get you going on that.

Langmuir has some tutorials using Sheetcam here:
I dont have Sheetcam so I can’t help you with that but there are several members who use it. @ds690 has some loom videos on using sheetcam.

Once you have created the tool path in Sheetcam you will need to post process it to create the GCode that Firecontrol will read. You can download the post processor here. Downloads | Langmuir Systems

Langmuir has some good basic videos on getting started.

FYI Pro Nest is a CAD/CAM program by hypertherm.

As far as cut parameters go your manual for your hyperthem has cut charts that reportedly are pretty good.

What are you wanting to cut… perhaps we could help you get going.


there are some great videos also on youtube if you look up Arclight studios and Bad Dog Metal Works…both have great videos on Sheetcam and Inkscape…

Oh…by the way welcome to the forum…we try to be helpful…but sometimes people can take the helpful the wrong wag and “big” upset…(a joke in there for some of us…)

what type of air supply and air drying system do you have set up for this adventure in burning metal?


I see what you did there BIG guy! :wink:

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Welcome to the forum.

A number of us will take one of your projects and go step by step on how to finish the sketch, manufacture the gcode and explain how you would cut it with FireControl. Some do videos. I do the long drag out form of descriptions with screen captures.

Here is the basic work flow:

I will warn you that many (not saying majority as I have zero idea about that mix) of us primarily use Fusion 360 for both CAD/CAM. Many use SheetCAM and love it so don’t think I am trying to steer you away from SheetCAM.

Start with something simple. If you can make some basic shapes, put a hole or two in the shape and cut it out, you will be better off than trying to make a masterpiece on your first try. I know, I know…you don’t want to waste metal. Trust me: You will waste less metal learning the basics than to make one mistake after another.

I too have the Hypertherm 45XP: excellent choice!

Before you get too bogged down with all of the workflow, it really is advisable to watch the short videos that Langmuir has developed using Fusion 360, if you are willing to learn that particular program. They are a bit dated but some of the information like making “tools” and setting up the post processing are very valuable.

This is Langmuir’s introductory lessons for Fusion 360:

There is a lot to learn but you are of the chosen few who are expected to triumph: DON’T LET US DOWN! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Naw, you are expected to fail and falter a bit along the way. That is why it is so magnificent with you finally get rolling.


Here are some Loom videos that I made for various aspects of Sheetcam. There are just screen recordings without sound.