New to CNC Alberta Canada

Welcome to the forum.

The best way to take a part from real life to a CAD drawing would be to:

  1. use your flatbed scanner, if the part fits
  2. Insert it as a canvas in something like Fusion 360
  3. Trace the part in a sketch over top of the canvas.

Another way is to use this little device:

Many of us have bought this item. I have not taken it out of the package: not because I don’t like it but because I have not had the application that would work best with it.

As you get more efficient with a CAD program or something like Inkscape, you will be able to make some parts without much of a problem.

Watch some of the videos on this forum by @TinWhisperer and @DonP . They have both done some excellent presentations of how the canvas/tracing method is performed.

Yep…we have all been through that. And, we all made it out the other side. Lots of help on this forum. Just remember, the best help will be realized if you can provide details of what you are trying to do. The more details, the better.