Just ordered a basic Crossfire system with water table. I have been playing around with the various software listed on the support page while waiting for it to arrive but its beginning to get a bit over whelming. I want to be able to reproduce various parts by either scanning them or taking a digital photo of the parts. Is there a simple way to just take the image and convert it to a .dxf file then create the g-code without all the tedious steps outlined in the support videos?
Welcome to the forum.
The best way to take a part from real life to a CAD drawing would be to:
- use your flatbed scanner, if the part fits
- Insert it as a canvas in something like Fusion 360
- Trace the part in a sketch over top of the canvas.
Another way is to use this little device:
Many of us have bought this item. I have not taken it out of the package: not because I don’t like it but because I have not had the application that would work best with it.
As you get more efficient with a CAD program or something like Inkscape, you will be able to make some parts without much of a problem.
Watch some of the videos on this forum by @TinWhisperer and @DonP . They have both done some excellent presentations of how the canvas/tracing method is performed.
Yep…we have all been through that. And, we all made it out the other side. Lots of help on this forum. Just remember, the best help will be realized if you can provide details of what you are trying to do. The more details, the better.
Hi Don, glad to see you dropped by. I was going to search the forum for your video and was pleased to see you gave the link. Much more efficient that way! Thanks.
Be prepared for the duty to be like atleast 400-500 bucks, I got bent over like 3 months ago getting it sent to Saskatoon.
I found the tutorials on the langmuir webpage were pretty good to get started on fusion 360. I would say start on smaller projects / simple signs to not overwhelm yourself right off the hop. You still gotta figure out a whole laundry list of amp/ipm/metal thickness settings depending on your plasma cutter.
Welcome to the shit show
Edit* was a crossfire pro, came in 3 seperate boxes, The plasma cutter, thc & limit switches (totally recommend limit switches). 6 packages total and yea the duty was rank.
What plasma cutter u get? U order the razorweld?
Thanks for the great tips. I can tell I will be back here often to get help until I’m comfortable with it. Mainly looking to copy things like pipe flanges but have few other parts that would fit on a flatbed scanner. Hence the reason for only ordering the 2x2 Crossfire. I like to do all my own fabrication work from scratch. Anything from lift kits, fire pit tripods, custom exhaust and so on. The Crossfire will be a game changer for my projects. Once I have completed a few I will share them on the Fireshare page.
I’m not sure of the model but it was on sale on Amazon Prime days for $350. It is already CNC ready with the torch control inputs. One of the reviews stated it worked great with his Crossfire so I pulled the trigger and bought it. Cuts 1/4" very clean and will sever 1/2" with a little bit of clean up. I have been using it for a few months now with no issues.
wish i knew before i got the razorweld it’s not even that good of a plasma cutter and i paid up the ass to get it shipped up. Hope the cheap cutter works good with the table.
Wouldnt be hard to do it in fusion 360 either, theres a “circular pattern” button that you can make your bolt holes all evenly spaced & # of holes to match up flanges. I imagine there’s a youtube tutorial out there somewhere.
For those that are interested
I don’t know if you got a chance to look at the Shaper Trace device that I referenced but it might just do the trick for you.
But as @Kamierau said, making the flanges are pretty easy and accurate if the original is of a symmetrical design. If not, measure between every single hole to the other holes and verify, in your drawing, that you have the same spacing and you are not likely to go wrong. Just remember which side of the flange you are looking at because it is easy to make a mirror image and that could be an issue.
You might enjoy this clip from NTD Racing as he makes it all seem so simple…because it is once you get accustomed to the steps. He makes a bracket for his off-road racing car/buggy from scratch and shows how he goes thru the whole process.